The Dedication of the Jacob Goble Memorial Window took place August 9, 1998. The window inscription reads - "Among the pioneers who established this church in 1850 was Elder Jacob Goble (1783-1864), the first Minister. This memorial is dedicated to the Glory of God and Jacob's memory by his descendants in August 1998."
All the Gobles in the Waterford, Ontario area are descended from Jacob, who had seven children. His family decided two years ago at a family picnic that a stained glass window would be a fitting tribute to his memory. The church currently has two windows commissioned by other groups, so it seemed an appropriate memorial.
Family members submitted design ideas and a group decided upon a scene depicting Joseph, Mary and the baby Jesus. Keith Goble was quoted as saying - "The baby is supposed to signify the birth of the church. We chose the scene for that purpose." The family doesn't have much to remember Jacob by, except a letter he received the day of his death in 1864, his family Bible and a chair he built for a Springvale couple he married. And now, the stained glass window, something of which the family is justifiably proud.
Report from A. Keith Goble, Waterford, Ontario. Thanks to all who contributed to this effort!
Published in Volume 5, Issue 4, December 1998 of The Goble Family Newsletter.