By Evelyn Goble Steen
Hello all,
The Goble Family Association was started in 1996 as a result of a conversation I had with a cousin, Jack Faulkner of California. When we began we were focusing on the descendants of Thomas Goble (1590/91-1657) of West Sussex, England and the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Over the years, that ambition was exceeded and we became a "One Name Genealogy Association" inclusive of Goble cousins everywhere. Our databases and resources have mushroomed into an enormous amount of data. Our multiple databases contain over 40,000 individuals at this time. Our ambition now is to connect families to one of our 9 databases and continue research into our early ancestry.
We hear from newly discovered cousins every week and continue to welcome all who are interested in the history of the Goble name.
If you would like to provide data, a story about one of your ancestors to be included in the database, published in on the homepage, or if you have a question for me or our readers, please send them to: Evelyn Goble Steen, 36 Lake Meade Drive, East Berlin, PA 17316 or e-mail:
I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see." --- John Burroughs, 1837-1921
Note: The number in parenthesis within the name of an individual indicates the generation of descendant in America in the Thomas (1) Goble tree. Others will be identified by the name of their tree.
Our MILLENNIUM reunion was held in RENO NEVADA.
August 11, 2001
There were cousins from all over the US and Canada in attendance, with representation from several lines. We shared stories and histories, photographs, books and old family records.
Our speaker, F. Calvin Parker fit in like family and gave an outstanding presentation on Jonathan Goble of Japan: Marine, Missionary, Maverick. We had a very successful business meeting and made some decisions regarding the Goble Family Association and the Goble Family Newsletter.
We began our reunion with a gathering in the "Palm Court" room at the Sands on Friday afternoon, August 10th. Evelyn Goble Steen displayed Goble artifacts, many of which have been seen in the Goble Family Newsletters over the years. Cousins arrived from Arizona, California, Canada, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Washington. Our final number of attendees was 88.
Everyone was presented with a personalized program including ancestry charts for all Goble descendants. Nametags were provided that indicated ancestry and were color coded so that particular lines could more readily find each other. We had a great visit!
We met again at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, August 11th in the Ballroom and began to set up our artifacts and display tables. The displays were outstanding and included a great many original documents, photographs, books and charts.
Our speaker, F. Calvin Parker, displayed his new book, Jonathan Goble of Japan: Marine, Missionary, Maverick. Copies were not available to purchase, but he was and is taking orders. (If you're a collector of Goble history, don't miss your opportunity to buy one of these.)
Barbara Volker of California manned a booth to answer questions regarding membership in the DAR, SAR, CAR and other Lineage Societies. She made it look easy and helped quite of few cousins make the decision to go for it! If you are interested in obtaining information or direction on "how to" apply for membership in any of the societies, please contact Barbara Volker .
Mary Ellen and Angela Robertson, who are consultants for Creative Memories Albums had a booth to display their Goble album. It was very well done and gave us all ideas for how to do our own albums. If you would like to discuss the albums and/or order kits please contact either Mary Ellen Robertson or Angela Robertson.
A special thanks to all our contributors. Your generosity was heartfelt and very much appreciated.
Warren Steen took photographs of each family group. We had a terrific time and really began to connect to our cousins. Ronald I. (12) Goble of California gave a lovely and loving blessing and we enjoyed a scrumptious luncheon.
Awards and certificates for Longevity were given to:
Awards and certificates for our Youngest participants were given to:
Awards and certificates for those who traveled the farthest
Certificates of Appreciation (for helping put together this terrific reunion) were given to:
F. Calvin Parker, author of JONATHAN GOBLE OF JAPAN: MARINE, MISSIONARY, MAVERICK gave a very interesting and enlightening talk. He had us spellbound with his knowledge of Jonathan and we learned a great deal about exactly why he was called a maverick. Jonathan was a brilliant man and inventor who rose to fame as inventor of the jinrikisha/jinricksha, the epoch-making "pull-man car" of Japan. Calvin has spent many years researching and studying Jonathan. He took questions from the group and was very enjoyable. If you would like to own a copy of this book, either contact Mr. Parker at or go to or another on-line bookseller.
Following Mr. Parker's presentation we began our Association Business Meeting. We discussed our budget, our membership and association dues, newsletter subscriptions, our website and the future of our family association including the next reunion. We established the "Executive Board" and determined dues and newsletter subscription rates.
Expense Report: (as of August 8, 2001)
INCOME EXPENSES BALANCE Carried over from 1999 $ 654.89 Association Membership -paid (64) $ 640.00 $ 1,294.89 Contributions $ 185.00 $ 1,479.89 Newsletter (April 2000) $ 146.50 $ 1,333.39 Newsletter (September 2000) $ 121.07 $ 1,212.32 Reunion Mailing (February 2001) $ 177.39 $ 1,034.93 Newsletter (April 2001) $ 148.76 $ 886.17 Newsletter Special - Reunion (June 2001) $ 151.78 $ 734.39 Newsletter (September 2001) estimated $ 150.00 $ 584.39 Reunion - Deposit (February 7, 2001) $ 150.00 $ 434.39 Reunion - Luncheon (79 paid) $ 1,975.00 $ 2,409.39 Reunion - Breakfast (49 paid) $ 441.00 $ 2,850.39 Reunion - Coffee/Lemonade $ 118.04 $ 2,732.35 Reunion - Cups (estimate) $ 130.00 $ 2,602.35 Reunion - Pens (estimate) $ 165.00 $ 2,437.35 Reunion - Luncheon (80) $ 1,640.00 $ 797.35 Reunion - Breakfast (49) $ 426.30 $ 371.05 Reunion - Programs, folders, etc. $ 164.32 $ 206.73
There have been some changes to this report based on additional attendance at the reunion, some additional costs, final bills on expenses and contributions received.
Newsletter: An average of 100 hard copy newsletters were mailed for each issue. This year additional hard copies were mailed of the reunion notification and follow-up newsletter. A motion was made by John Beer and seconded by Patricia Weaver to continue to distribute 2 newsletters per year and when necessary allow the option to increase the number of issues as determined by the Newsletter Editor. Vicki (Goble) Schultz volunteered to take over the responsibility of Newsletter Editor starting in year 2002 (for which she received applauses and much thanks.) Subscriptions for the hard copy newsletter will continue to be $10 for a 2-year subscription. Newsletters will be made available for free on the homepage, however, they will no longer be e-mailed as attachments. An e-mailed message will be sent out to subscribers to let them know when the newsletter is available on-line. Newsletters will be formatted to allow for easy printing from the website.
Association: Goble Family Association Members - For the years 2000-2001 we had 64 paid members, 10 free members and 24 unpaid libraries/genealogy societies. Additionally we have 168 subscriptions via e-mail, for a total of 266 members.
In order to continue and expand our organization and to keep it alive as a "genuine" Family Association we need to progress. We must have a volunteer/elected Executive Board to write and agree upon our constitution and bylaws, which will provide the basis for our organization.
A motion was made by John Beer, seconded by Patricia Weaver and voted on by all attending members to obtain volunteers for regional chairs to become the Executive Board. The Executive Board will meet either through e-mail or by phone to discuss and settle on the constitution and bylaws. A Reunion Committee will be selected by the Executive Board after it is determined when and where the next reunion will be held. Association membership will not be assumed with the Newsletter subscription. Membership dues into the Goble Family Association will be $10 per year. This is in addition to the newsletter subscription. The Executive Board will determine association expenses.
The Executive Board will:
Executive Board Chairperson (to be elected by the Executive Board)
Regional Representatives:
Reunion Committee by Regions -
As you can see some offices have been filled and others still need to be filled. If you would like to volunteer to serve in one of the positions listed, please let us know.
Homepage: We have had over 27480 hits on our website as of August 2, 2001 which averages 20 per day since we started counting. That's pretty good for a "one name" genealogy homepage. This is a big task, but I enjoy it, so I have volunteered to continue to perform this function for the foreseeable future. Please continue to send stories and data to be included on our Homepage to Evelyn Goble Steen at (Stories will be shared with our Newsletter Editor for publication in the Goble Family Newsletter unless requested otherwise.)
Reunion: The question was asked if we wanted to plan another reunion in 3 years on the East Coast as discussed at our 1998 reunion or do we want to curtail reunion plans until officers have decided on a Constitution and Bylaws? A discussion led to a general consensus that plans should be curtailed until the constitution and bylaws have been agreed upon by the Executive Board and a Reunion Committee has been appointed.
Vote: A ballet was provided to all in attendance and it was decided it should be made available to all Association members, weather they were in attendance at the reunion or not. Please review the ballet. Volunteer if you would like to be on the Executive Committee and return your ballet to Evelyn Goble Steen, 36 Lake Meade Drive, East Berlin, PA 17316.
Subscriptions for the hard copy newsletter will continue to be $10 for a 2-year subscription. Newsletters will be made available for free on the homepage; however, they will no longer be e-mailed as attachments. An e-mailed message will be sent out to subscribers to let them know when the newsletter is available on-line. Newsletters will be formatted to allow for easy printing from the website. The newsletter subscription alone is no longer automatic membership in the Goble Family Association. A form is included with this newsletter and should be returned with a check or money order to Vicki (Goble) Schultz, 718 Buchanan, Mendon, Michigan 49072. Telephone: (616) 496-4965. E-mail:
REUNION PHOTOS In the hard copy newsletter these are all on one page, but that's too many graphics for this page. Please click: Page 1 - Page 2 - Page 3 - Page 4.
We now have a database of French Goble, from several unspecified lines. The name has been found spelled various ways: GOBEIL, GOBEILLE, GOBEL, GOEBEL. One famous French Goble’s story is below:
Jean-Baptiste-Joseph Gobel, the Archbishop of Paris*1
Jean-Baptiste-Joseph Gobel was born September 1, 1727 in Thann, Alsace, France. He was educated at the German College in Rome and in 1755 he became vicar-general of the diocese of Basel, Switzerland. In 1789 he was a deputy to the Estates General, which met outside Paris.
Jean-Baptiste-Joseph Gobel was Bishop of Lydda, Co-adjutor Bishop of Basle, and a member of the Constitutional Assembly and was elected bishop by 500 votes. The Archbishop of Sens and the Bishop of Orléans refused to give Gobel canonical institution.
On January 3, 1791, Gobel took the oath of the Civil Constitution of the Clergy and was consecrated archbishop of Paris.
Gobel surrounded himself with married clerics and through the Marquis of Spinola (Minister of the Republic of Genoa) endeavored to obtain a sum of money in exchange for his capitulation.
At the beginning of 1793 he was at the head of about 600 "sworn" priests, about 500 of whom were employed in parishes. On 7 November 1793, he solemnly declared before the Convention that he and his subordinates renounced the duties of ministers of Catholic worship, at which point the Convention congratulated him on having "sacrificed the grotesque baubles of superstition". On the same day Notre-Dame was dedicated to the worship of Reason, and Gobel assisted in presiding at that ceremony.
Finally, the Commune of Paris decided that all churches should be closed, and that who ever requested they be reopened should be regarded as suspect.
On November 7, 1793, Gobel resigned his Episcopal functions. He had evidently accepted the principles of the Revolution, including marriage of the clergy. The Hébertists claimed Gobel as one of their own, an identity for which he was condemned to the guillotine along with the anti-Roman Catholic revolutionary Pierre-Gaspard Chaumette, Hébert and Anacharsis Cloots, one of the founders of the cult of Reason.
In March 1794, after lengthy interviews and after he had written a letter in which he declared his repentance, Gobel was executed.
In the absence of a bishop, the Catholic faithful continued to obey a council formed under the leadership of the former vicar-general, Charles Henri du Valk de Dampierre, who had been in hiding. Public worship was restored by law 30 March 1795. Fifteen churches were reopened and as early as 1796 about fifty places of worship had been reopened in Paris.
Charles Herbert (9) Goble, son of Cephas C. (8) Goble and Clara V. Gutherie lived in Casey, Clark County, Illinois. He owned “Goble Gas” at 500 S. Central in Casey. Below is a picture of a souvenir pen “Herb” handed out to his customers.
Charles Herbert (9), Cephas C. (8), Daniel (7), Benjamin (6), Daniel (5), Daniel (4), Daniel/David (3), Daniel (2), Thomas (1), Willmi (William) Goble
ROBERT GOBLE, who died aged 87, October 14, 1991, was one of the world's leading harpsichord makers.*2
The small family business that he founded supplied instruments to music colleges and departments all over the globe. Among the artists who have used Goble harpsichords for recordings are Kenneth Gilbert, Robert Woolley and Maggie Cole.
Robert Goble was born at Thursley, Surrey, England on October 30, 1903. His father and grandfather had been wheelwrights, and at first it seemed as though young Robert was destined for the same trade.
Towards the end of the First World War, however, Arnold Dolmetsch, the pioneer of the Early Music revival, stayed for a while in Thursley, and Goble heard that he was looking for assistants for a workshop he was proposing to establish at Haslemere.
Goble seized this opportunity during which he became expert on the finer aspects of working in wood.
In 1937 Goble set up a small workshop of his own at Haslemere, making clavichords, spinets and recorders. But the growth of the business was interrupted by the Second World War, during which Goble did research work for the Admiralty.
After the war Goble, inspired by his wife Elizabeth Brown, a renowned harpsichordist, gradually dropped the manufacture of recorders in order to concentrate on keyboard instruments. His ambitions were also reflected in the acquisition of new and larger premises at Headington, Oxford, in 1947.
Until the late 1960s the firm had made modern harpsichords; later the emphasis changed to reproductions of ancient instruments. The current range includes a French double manual harpsichord 1730, a Flemish double manual harpsichord 1745, a German single manual harpsichord 1716, and an English bent-side spinet 1749.
Goble's quiet and modest exterior concealed remarkable determination and tenacity, without which the firm might never have survived its difficult early years, let alone attained its present eminence.
Goble had two sons, one of whom, together with a grandson, is carrying on the business.
Many years ago I wrote about my father. He was my Goble connection and I’m sure he would have loved all the discoveries. He died at age 59 with cancer. That seems to be very young to me now. There were many times he told me stories about the Goble family, but too often I wasn’t really listening. I didn’t appreciate the importance of those stories until I was nearly 50 myself. I’ve tried to ask others, who might have listened more carefully or who also knew the history, but most often I’ve found that my father’s special knowledge of the past was lost. There are a few letters he wrote in the 1940s that I found interesting, even though they were of current events of the day.
In 1941 my parents were living in California and on July 11, my father wrote to his brother, Scott. "I got me a 31 Chevy coupe last Tuesday. It is black with 16-inch wheels and tires. It cost me $75.00." Another excerpt from that letter explaining the cost of living in California as opposed to Kansas was this: "Better drive your car out when you come. They are pretty high here. A 32, like yours, costs around $150.00." Wow!
In August 28, 1941 he wrote to his parents: "I guess you got the card we sent you about moving. We like it better here. It is only 3 blocks from work, takes me 5 min. to walk it. Our house is 3 rooms, bathroom and shower. We have a nice Refrigidare, it is sure lots better than an ice box. Esther makes ice cream about every day."
My sister, Sharon, was born in June of 1941 and in this letter my father says: "I want to get Esther a Washington machine real soon, as she has to wash everything on the wash board now. She washes almost every day." Can you imagine using a washboard to keep up with diapers?
Sometimes we need to realize how really good we have it in life today. But it’s fun to imagine the simple life of by gone days when it was considered a luxury to have a refrigerator, washer and a shower!
He (Black Hawk) has excited domestic Insurrections amongst us, and has endeavored to bring on the Inhabitants of our Frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known Rule of Warfare, is an undistinguished Destruction, of all Ages, Sexes and Conditions. - Declaration of Independence
The Black Hawk War was a bloody conflict between the Sac and Fox and the United States in 1832. After the War of 1812, whites settling the Illinois country exerted pressure on the Native Americans. A treaty of 1804, which had no real claim to validity, provided for removal of the Sac and Fox west of the Mississippi. A Native American leader, Black Hawk (1767-1838), who was born in the Sac village near the site of present Rock Island, Ill., and who had fought for the British in the War of 1812, denounced the treaty and resisted removal. Years of intermittent skirmishing followed. In 1831 the whites used force to impose a new treaty that compelled the Native Americans to retire from their lands. In April 1832, Black Hawk, with some 400 braves and their families, returned to Illinois. Not receiving the support he expected, he admitted defeat, but when one of the peaceful emissaries he sent was shot down, the outraged Black Hawk successfully attacked a larger white force, then retired into what is now Wisconsin. A large force of volunteers was gathered under Gen. Henry Atkinson. The last battle of the war took place on the Bad Axe River, where Black Hawk was attacked by these troops and a Sioux war party. Trapped, almost all of his band, including women and children, were wiped out. Black Hawk himself escaped, surrendered to the Winnebago, was turned over for imprisonment, and was released in 1833 to return to the remnants of his tribe and his family in Iowa.*3
There were at least 5 Goble men who fought in this war: Benjamin (8) Goble (Corporal), Elijah (8) Goble, Ephraim (8) Goble, James Blue (8) Goble, and John B. (8) Goble.*4
Benjamin (8) Goble and his wife Barbara/Barbery Vandruff were married in Rock Island County, Illinois in 1833. Our records show that Benjamin’s father, George W. (7) Goble, brought his family to Illinois in 1810. George served in the war of 1812 at Ft. Vincennes in the 1st Regiment (Belknap's) New York, Militia as an Ensign.
George and Nancy (Arnold) Goble made several homes on the frontier. For a time they lived in an evacuated blockhouse with the family of Nancy's brother Jacob. Later in Clay county, Illinois they built a cabin on the Little Wabash River," and assisted in building of a gristmill at what is now Louisville, Illinois. Moving continuously westward across Illinois, they lived for a time in Sangamon County. In 1829 with a yoke of oxen, a wagon, a cow and a calf they started for Rock Island Co. and settled near Moline. That fall George died leaving a family of seven - four sons; Benjamin (8), Ephraim (8), Abraham (8) and Leander (8). Benjamin the oldest was then sixteen.*5
Excerpts from "The Lakeside Classics: The Early Day of Rock Island and Davenport, The Narratives of J. W. Spencer and J. M. D. Burrows" . include mention of this family. *6 *7
Pages 20-24 "I camped two miles or more this side of the Meridosia. All night I could hear the wolves walking about me....The next day I reached the fort at Rock Island, delivering the mail, and bringing the news of the election of General Jackson.."
"The first season I lived here, about forty of our Indians swamed the Missouri River in the night, broke into an encampment of one hundred of the Sioux lodges, and killed fifteen of them with their knives....That same season, three of our Indians, scouting on the Missouri, discovered an Omaha Indian on the prairie. They told me they got into a low, busy tree, and bleated like a deer, bringing the man near, when they shot and killed him. This Indian had a gun and bridle with him; these, with his scalp, they brought home with them."
"After coming in the fall of 1818, and making my selection for a farm, I moved from Morgan County, arriving here on the first day of March 1829. As there was no house to be had, the next best chance was a wig wam. We found one on the bluff near where Henry Case now lives, which we thought we could use until we could build a cabin....About the last of May came Mr. Goble and his son Benjamin, settling above Joseph Danfort."
Pages 44-45 "The General's [Gaines] force was very small - only about five hundred men in the garrison. The men and boys of the settlement were all at the fort away from their homes doing nothing. I went with another citizen and called on the General and proposed that the men and boys of the settlement be formed into a company, which was accordingly done. The company numbered fifty-eight men, and was called The Rock River Rangers. We were mustered into service the 5th of June 1831. Benjamin Goble, Corporal.
Benjamin (8), George W. (7), Benjamin (6), Daniel (5), Daniel (4), Daniel/David (3), Daniel (2), Thomas (1), Willmi (William) Goble
Please remember our cousins in your prayers.
If you know of someone who should be listed, please contact me.
These Goble gentlemen are known to have run for political office:
Mary Ann and Richard Goble celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary September 15 2001. They were married in Lansing Michigan on September 15, 1951. They have lived on the west coast since 1965 and are currently living in Jacksonville, Oregon. They have 6 daughters, 1 son, 9 grand children and 1 great grandson.
Richard Oliver (11), Harold (Harry) William (10), William S. (9), John (8), Nathaniel (7), Eliel (6), Ezekiel (5), Jonas (4), Daniel/David (3), Daniel (2), Thomas (1), Willmi (William) Goble
Jul Julian S. Goble - age 98 Aug Ruby T. Surface - age 82 Sep Arthur B. Pederson - age 84 Harry "Red" Goble - age 82 Harriet Larson - age 81 Oct Enid G. Pritchard - age 95 Roy Scott Goble - age 87 Helen J. Andersen - age 86 Minnie Thompson - age 85 Margaret Faulkner - age 84 Floyd E. Goble - age 81 Nov Karl K. Goble - age 84 Helen Goble Klem - age 84 Eva Goble Webb - age 83 Esther Goble - age 81 Dec Marian Goble Tinling - age 97 Howard Goble - age 86 Ruth N. Goble - age 81
Dear Family,
I have been writing the Goble Family Newsletter since May of 1994. This issue is my 31st since we started counting! When I started researching in May of 1993 and studying the Goble family it was simply to discover my own heritage. While doing that I discovered so much about Goble families all over the world I just couldn’t resist putting all I had found into the computer, folders, notebooks and file cabinets. I saved every scrap of paper and tiny item I found. I simply knew it would fit into the puzzle someday. I’ve talked to many other genealogy researchers and find that most feel similarly about this hobby of investigating history! We’ve come to recognize this affliction at the "genealogy bug" and when you’ve been bitten, you know it!
Several years ago we started the Goble Family Association and although there was a great deal of interest we really didn’t take off by segmenting the responsibilities, until NOW. Our 3rd reunion held the magic we needed to get organized. Thanks to all of those who attended and participated in the discussion and particular thanks to all of those who volunteered to be part of this terrific organization.
A special thanks to Vicki (Goble) Schultz (daughter of Vern and Rachel Goble) for volunteering to become the editor of this newsletter. I know she will do a terrific job.
We still need volunteers to help in different parts of the country, but I have faith that it’s all going to start clicking. I’m confident that our Constitution and Bylaws will be approved soon and our committees will be formed. The time and place for the next reunion will be one of our first orders of business.
As the Genealogist and Historian for the Goble Family Association I will continue to search and report findings, I will continue to publish the Goble Genealogy Homepage and I’ll continue to help those researching their roots in whatever ways I can.
Warren and I will be traveling to the Midwest this fall to visit family and then we’ll be going to Alaska in December to see our new granddaughter (due December 2). We plan to have a wonderful holiday season and we hope the same for all of you.
Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year! Good health and God’s blessings to all our cousins.
Love, Evelyn
Footnotes/Sources: (use your back arrow to return to previous text)
*1 Catholic Encyclopedia. Archdiocese of Paris.
Encyclopedia Britannica
*2 Daily Telegraph (London, Eng.), Obit., 1991-1999
*3 Encyclopedia -
*4 Indian Wars (
*5 The Eugene (Oregon) Daily Guard in the spring of 1925 in an article entitled "History of Pioneer is Traced"
*6 Edited by Milo Milton Quaife, Secretary of the Burton Historical Collection, Chicago, The Lakeside Press, R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co., 1942
*7 Submitted by Katheryn Haddad
*8 The Political Graveyard (
*9 Provided by Alice (Goble) Blandel
Volunteers and Nominations
Executive Board:
Signed: _____________________________Member, Goble Family Association
Please return to:
Evelyn Goble Steen,
36 Lake Meade Drive,
East Berlin, PA 17316
by October 1, 2001.
We are beginning our 6th year as a family association and we are all looking forward to a prosperous and rewarding genealogy and family experience. Please read the proposed Constitution and Bylaws. Let us know of your concerns and interests. Volunteer to help make our family association the best it can be. Annual membership is $10 per family.
Subscriptions for the hard copy newsletter will continue to be $10 for a 2-year subscription or $5 per year for 2 (or more) issues. Newsletters will be made available for free on the Goble Genealogy Homepage however, they will no longer be e-mailed as attachments. An e-mailed message will be sent to subscribers to let them know when the newsletter is available on-line. Newsletters will be formatted to allow for easy printing from the website. The newsletter subscription is no longer ancillary to membership in the Goble Family Association.
You may order your subscription on our website at:, or you can join the Association, order the hard copy newsletter, and/or make a contribution by sending a check or money order to:
Goble Family Association (or)
Goble Family Newsletter
Vicki (Goble) Schultz
718 Buchanan
Mendon, Michigan 49072
Name: Address: Phone: E-mail: Names of family members: ___ $10.00 is enclosed for my family membership into the Goble Family Association. ___ Payment of $10.00 (US currency) is enclosed for a “hard copy” postal mailed newsletter to cover 2 mailings a year for 2 years. ___ I would prefer to receive an e-mailed notification when the newsletter is on-line. ___ My contribution to the Goble Family Association for __________is enclosed.
This Web Site is Sponsored by the Goble Family Association
Copyright © 2001 by Evelyn Goble Steen, All Rights Reserved
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