By Evelyn Goble Steen
Volume 6, Issue 4, December 1999
Copyright (c) 1999 by Evelyn Goble Steen all rights reserved.
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MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR to all our Goble cousins! The Goble Family Association is proud to issue its last newsletter of the century. Year 2000 and beyond should prove to be a most exciting time for our families as we continue to search for clues of our ancestors.
Lets all resolve to leave clues of our lives and existence on this earth and provide as much written history for those to come after us as we can. It's a special gift to give our descendants and will allow them to connect with their history.
The Goble Family Association's primary interest and main focus has been to discover all the descendants of Thomas Goble (1590/91-1657) of West Sussex, England and the Massachusetts Bay Colony of which I am a part. That database now contains over 20,300 individuals. We continue to welcome all who are interested in the history of the Goble name.
We also have 6 other databases containing an additional 20,000 names. These are in files of unconnected Goble lines, German, English and Irish lines. Each of our databases grows weekly as new connections are made. It is clear we are making a difference in the search for Goble families everywhere.
If you would like to provide a story about one of your ancestors to be published in this newsletter or on the homepage, or if you have a question for me or our readers, please send them to: Evelyn Goble Steen, 4121 Nantucket Drive, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055, or e-mail:
Note: The number in parenthesis within the name of an individual indicates the generation of descendant in America in the Thomas (1) Goble tree. Others will be identified by the name of their tree.
ANNOUNCEMENT: A membership brochure has been included with your newsletter. Do to my busy schedule I have had to adjust our newsletter schedule and reduce the numbers of letters per year. Please note, for those of you joining the Association wanting hard copy newsletters, there will be 2 per year. Your subscription rate of $10.00 will be a 2-year membership. (Check to see if you've all ready paid!) If you are already on the e-mail mailing list you don't need to sign up again. Your address will remain unless you ask to be removed.
Visit the GOBLE GENEALOGY HOME PAGE. I've given our homepage a new look and have continued to add new features. As of December 3rd we had received over 14,800 visits to the homepage, many from newly discovered cousins! This is a huge increase in numbers of people accessing the webpage. We continue to make great progress locating cousins. You can access the homepage at: If you should have any difficulty accessing the homepage or loading any of the databases, please let me know.SUCCESS STORIES AND NEW CONNECTIONS
I get approximately 20 e-mail messages a day plus another 4 to 6 snail mail letters from cousins around the world. We make new connections every week. Here is a sampling:
Subj: Discovered your website Date: 11/16/1999 10:05:10 PM Eastern Standard Time After a busy summer, I am just now getting back into my genealogy research. I decided to do a quick search of the web and was astounded to find your website. It was a complete thrill to see my great, great grandfather, Columbus America Goble (9), included in the family tree. Not only is the website superb, but as a historian, I can appreciate the proper citation of sources. Would you like me to provide information on the descendants of Columbus Goble? I was fortunate to know his son, Norman Goble (10), who died when I was eleven years old. Thanks again for the great website! Richa Wilson
Subj: German Gobble Family Date: 11/13/1999 12:33:54 AM Eastern Standard Time Thanks for a really good site, easy for a novice to navigate and arranged beautifully. My interest is in the German Gobbles who went to KY as I think Sarah Geise/Gise/Guyse/Guice is sister to my ancestor - Peter Guice who eventually found the way to GA. Several researchers think she is sister of Peter, Nicholas, Phillip and several other unproven sisters. Wasn't Christian/Christopher in VA before KY, or do you know? Thanks again Eleanor Greene Hemmes in Dallas, TX
Subj: Thanks Date: 12/03/1999 3:18:02 AM Eastern Standard Time Just a note to say how glad I am that you are doing all this genealogical work. I am Keith Goble ( 11 ) grandson of Thadeus Lynn ( Civil War vet. ). I check the home page frequently for any new items. My 2 sisters & I plan to attend the reunion in 2001 hope to see you there.
In 1954 Les Goble was a rookie for the Chicago Cardinals. He played halfback and was a sensation in kickoff returns ranking first for the Cardinals and second in the League. He was the only player in the League to score two touchdowns in returning kickoffs that year. At Alfred College the "fleet halfback" scored 8 touchdowns and had a net gain of 700 yards in six games in 1953. He was selected to the "Little All-American" team at Alfread College. Les was also a track star, running the 100-yard dash in 9.7 seconds.
Les was born in Waverly, New York and continues to live there with his family. As you can see by the football card, Les had the same trouble getting people to spell his name correctly as the rest of us.
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Lester Bois (10) Goble, Wilbert Abbey (9), William Hugh (8), George Washington (7), Selam/Selah S. (6), George (Jacob) (5), Robert (4), Daniel/David (3), Daniel (2), Thomas (1), Willmi (William) Goble.
The Bartholomew County Genealogical Society has compiled a Bartholomew County Family History, Churches and Schools from 1821 to 1999. I received my copy recently. It is a lovely bound volume which includes information on the early history of Bartholomew. It is filled with photographs and family histories.
Most of the Goble history was provided by me. Published by Turner Publishing company of Paducah, Kentucky. Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 99-72833, ISBN: 1-56311-525-5. Books are now available for $65 from Family Histories Book, 4432 Carya Square, Columbus, IN 47201-4944.
Lawrence E. (8) Goble was born March 30, 1876 in Union County, Indiana to Henry Washington (7) Goble and Susan M. "Sue" Gray. Lawrence was quite a farmer and a master farmer in the state of Indiana in the late 1800s and early 1900s. He made a lot of money and had many assets. Lawrence was also a horseman and successfully bred a specific breed of horse known as the GOBLE. The GOBLE was a large draft horse suitable for plowing, but about the time the GOBLE breed got up and going, along came the tractor.
Evidently the breed has endured and is advertised as a "mountain pleasure horse" for stud service.
Photograph and more information about the GOBLE Golden Palomino. #1
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Lawrence E. (8) Goble, Henry Washington (7), Abner (6), Henry (5), Jonas (4), Daniel/David (3), Daniel (2), Thomas (1), Willmi (William) Goble.
Benjamin Conger and his wife Experience were early settlers of Morristown, New Jersey. Experience's parents (John Foord and Elizabeth Freman) were members of the Hanover Presbyterian Church in Morris County. In about 1743 when the Baptist Church at Morristown was organized, Experience and Benjamin Conger, were original members, having been received by a letter from the Hanover Church.
Benjamin Conger was the son of John Belconger (1640-1712) and Sarah Cawood. He was about twelve years old when his father died. Benjamin is mentioned in his father's will and was given one half of the farm home, but with the express provision that his brother, Joseph, was to have the use and improvement of Benjamin's portion for the ensuing ten years, when it would revert to Benjamin.
Benjamin's children, mentioned in his will in 1762, included, among others, Daniel, Enoch, Sarah, Elizabeth and Lydia. In the case of Lydia, she was to be paid 50 pounds on her marriage day. If she were to die unmarried the 50 pounds would go to grandchildren, Sarah and Marhta Goble, daughters of Simeon and Abigal (Conger) Goble; to Lydia, Daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Conger) Goble; to Zipporah and Abigail, the daughters of Daniel and Mary Conger.
Out of a possible 10 children born to Benjamin and Experience (Foord) Conger, as many as 5 may have married into the Goble family.
This is confusing to say the least! If you have any questions, suggestions and/or corrections please send them to us!
Since it can not be proven that there was a Simeon Conger born to Benjamin and Experience Conger the question exists "who was Abigail Goble's husband?"
Abigail Goble was born January 18, 1729. The Morristown, New Jersey Bill of Mortality 1768-1806, lists 15 Abigail's, but only one was born in 1729. This Abigail (who died 2 July 1806) was the widow of Joseph Fairchild. In 1782 Robert Goble named an Abigail in his will (proved 1783). Both Abigail Fairchild and Abigail Goble had the names Phebe, Abner, and Ephraim in their families. Abigail Fairchild named her first daughter Phebe, her first son Abner, and had a grandson Ephraim while Abigail Goble had a sister Phebe, a brother Ephraim, and both a nephew and cousin named Abner. Finally both Abigail's had Ebenezer Fairchild for a brother-in-law (he was a brother to Abigail Fairchild's husband, and he was married to Abigail Goble's sister, Salome). Evidence suggests that Abigail Goble and Abigail Fairchild may have been the same person.
If the settlement of Robert Goble's estate still exists, it should show who signed for Abigail's 10 shillings--Conger or Fairchild. If anyone knows Abigail Goble's death date, or the day and month of Abigail Fairchild's birth in 1729, a comparison of these dates might determine if the ladies are one and the same individual.
By the 1600s, witches were no longer just ugly old women. Beautiful young women were singled out as witches as well. Beauty and youth were considered clever disguises for witches to don. "In 1629, a nineteen-year-old girl, Barbara Gobel, was burned at the stake; the executioner's list describes her as 'the fairest maid in Wurzburg.' Not far off, another young woman who went to the stake was called the 'fairest and the purest maiden in all Cologne.'" #5
Many of us have Cory/Corey ancestors. (Stephen (5) Goble married Rhoda Cory, daughter of Abraham and Francis Cory and a direct descendant of John Cory, 1637 immigrant to America.) There were at least 2 incidents of Cory witch executions. Giles Corey was pressed to death at Salem, New England, on 19 September 1692. His wife Martha Corey was executed at Salem, New England, on 22 September 1692.
On 18 April Giles Cory was accused of witchcraft by John Putnam, Jr. and Ezekiel Cheever. On 19 April 1692 he was examined in Salem Village and on 19 September he was pressed to death under an old torture known as peine forte et dure, an ancient English procedure designed to force recalcitrant prisoners either to enter a plea (so their trials might proceed) or to die. Brown describes him as "Eighty-year-old Giles Corey, husband of the imprisoned Martha, was a powerful brute of a man and feared by many in the Village. Seventeen years before he had brutally murdered a servant (Jacob Goodale) on his farm and ever since had tangled repeatedly with the law." Hansen tells us "Giles Corey had been ready very ready to testify against his wife, Martha, and to speak out against her out of court as well as in; he had told several people that he knew things that 'do his wife's business.' Now he was admirably, if belatedly, protesting her innocence as well as his own. But he did it stupidly; he denied having said things which witnesses had heard him say and thus was several times caught lying. Since lying was a serious matter in Puritan Massachusetts and perjury is a serious matter in any age, Giles Corey must have made a very bad impression."
Both Giles and Martha were excommunicated by their respective churches (Giles was a member of the Salem First Church and Martha of the Salem Village Church. Martha's excommunication was revoked in 1703 but Giles not until nine years later, on 2 March 1712.
Brown describes his death: "He was taken to a Salem field and there staked to the ground. A large wooden plank was placed over him. Upon it were piled stones one at a time. The authorities intended to change his mind with force. Tradition has it that Corey pleaded only for "more weight" so that he might die swiftly. 'In pressing,' a contemporary wrote, 'his Tongue being prest out of his Mouth, the Sheriff (George Corwin) with his Cane forced it in again, when he was dying.' His was a horrible death. Corey endured this punishment for two days before expiring."
Robert E. Cahill, former Essex County Sheriff and Keeper of the Salem Jail wrote that just before he died, Giles cried out at Sheriff Corwin, "Damn you. I curse you and Salem!" According to Cahill, all the High Sheriffs of Essex County before him, including Corwin, either died in office from heart problems, or retired with an ailment of the blood. He, himself, suffered a rare blood disease, heart attack, and stroke, in 1978, after writing his piece, and was forced to retire as Sheriff of the County, and as Master Keeper of the Salem Jail. #6
Mary Goble Pay is connected to the English tree of Richard Goble and Ann Winter of Fernhurst, Sussex, England. Descendants migrated to Utah in the mid 1800s. This is her story.
I, Mary Goble Pay, was born in Brighton, Sussex, England, June 2, 1832. My father was William Goble, son of William and Harriet Johnson Goble, and my mother Mary was the daughter of John and Sarah Penfold. When I was in my twelfth year, my parents joined the Latter-day Saints. On November 5th, I was baptized. The following May we started for Utah. We left our home May 19, 1856. We came to London the first day, the next day came to Liverpool and went on board the ship Horizon that evening. It was a sailing vessel and there were nearly nine hundred souls on board. We sailed on the 25th. The pilot ship came to tug us out into the open sea. I well remember how we watched old England fade from sight. We sang "Farewell Our Native Land, Farewell."
While we were in the river the crew mutinied, but they were put ashore and another crew came on board. They were a good set of men. When we were a few days out a large shark followed the vessel. One of the Saints died and he was buried at sea. We never saw the shark anymore. After we got over our seasickness we had a nice time. We would play games, and sing songs of Zion. We held meetings and the time passed happily. When we were sailing through the banks of Newfoundland we were in a dense fog for several days. The sailors were kept night and day ringing bells and blowing fog horns.
One day I was on deck with my father when I saw a mountain of ice in the sea, close to the ship. I said, "Look, father, look." He went as white as a ghost and said, "Oh, my girl." At that moment the fog parted and the sun shone brightly till the ship was out of danger, when the fog closed on us again. We were on the sea six weeks, then we landed at Boston. We took the train for Iowa City where we had to get an outfit for the plains. On the first of August we started to travel with our oxen unbroken, and we did not know a thing about driving oxen. My father had bought two yoke of oxen and one yoke of cows, a wagon and a tent. He had a wife and six children. Their names were Mary, Edwin, Caroline, Harriet, James, and Fanny.
My sister Fanny broke out with the measles on the ship and when we were in Iowa Camp Ground there came up a thunderstorm that blew down our shelter, made with handcarts and some quilts. The storm came and we sat there in the rain, thunder, and lightning. My sister got wet and died the 19th day of July 1856. She would have been two years old on the 23rd. The day we started our journey we visited her grave.
We traveled through the states until we came to Council Bluffs. Then we started on our journey of one thousand miles over the plains. It was about the 1st of September. We traveled from 15 to 25 miles a day. We used to stop one day in the week to wash. On Sunday we would hold our meetings and rest. Every morning and night we were called to prayers by the bugle. The Indians were on the war path and were very hostile. Our captain, John Hunt, had us make a dark camp. That was to stop, get our supper, then travel a few miles, and not light any fires; but camp and go to bed. The men had to travel all day and guard every other night. We traveled on till we got to the Platte River. That was the last walk I ever had with our mother. We caught up with the handcart companies that day. We watched them cross the river. There were great lumps of ice floating down the river. It was bitter cold. The next morning there were fourteen dead in camp through the cold. We went back to camp and went to prayers. That night my mother took sick and the next morning my little sister was born. It was the 23rd of September. We named her Edith. She lived six weeks and died for the want of nourishment.
We had been without water for several days, just drinking snow water. The captain said there was a spring of fresh water just a few miles. It was snowing hard, but my mother begged me to go and get her a drink. Another lady went with me. We were about half way to the spring when we found an old man who had fallen in the snow. He was frozen so stiff we could not lift him. So the lady told me where to go and she would go back to camp for help, for we knew he would soon be frozen if we left him. When she had gone, I began to think of the Indians and looking in all directions I became confused and forgot the way I should go. I waded around in the snow up to my knees and became lost. Later, when I did not return to camp, the men started out after me. My feet and legs were frozen.
They carried me to camp and rubbed me with snow. They put my feet in a bucket of water. The pain was terrible. The frost came out of my legs and feet, but not out of my toes.
We traveled in the snow from the last crossing of the Platte River. We had orders not to pass the handcart companies. We had to keep close to them so as to help them if we could. We began to get short of food, our cattle gave out. We could only travel a few miles a day. When we started out of camp in the morning the brethren would shovel snow to make a track for our cattle. They were weak for want of food. When we arrived at Devil's Gate it was bitter cold. We left many of our things there. There were two or three log houses. We left our wagon and joined teams with a man named James Barman. We had a Sister May frozen to death. We stayed there two or three days. While there an ox fell on the ice and the brethren killed it and the beef was given out to the camp. My brother James ate a hearty supper, and was well as he ever was when he went to bed. In the morning he was dead. My feet were frozen, also my brother Edwin and my sister Caroline had their feet frozen. It was nothing but snow. We could not drive cold from our tents. Father would clean a place for them and put snow around to keep them down. We were short of flour but father was a good shot. They called him the hunter of the camp, so that helped us out. We could not get enough flour for bread as we got only a quarter of a pound per head a day, so we would make it like thin gruel. We called it "skilly."
We did not know what would become of us. One night a man came to our camp and told us there would be plenty of flour in the morning, for President Brigham Young had sent men and teams to help us. There was rejoicing that night. We sang songs, some danced and some cried. He was a living Santa Claus and his name was Eph. Hanks. My mother had never got well; she lingered until the 11th of December 1856, the day we arrived in Salt Lake City. She died between the Little and Big Mountains. She was 43 years old. She and her baby lost their lives gathering to Zion in such a late season of the year and my sister was buried at the last crossing of the Sweetwater. We arrived in Salt Lake City at nine o'clock at night. Three out of the four that were living were frozen. My mother was dead in the wagon.
Bishop Hardy had us taken to a house in his ward (2nd) and the brethren and sisters brought us plenty of food. Early next morning President Brigham Young and a doctor came. The doctor's name was Williams. When Pres. Young came in, he shook hands with all of us. When he saw our conditions, our feet frozen and our mother dead, tears rolled down his cheeks. The doctor wanted to cut my feet off at the ankle, but President Young said, "No, just cut off the toes and I promise you you will never have to take them off any further. The pieces of bone that come out will work out through the skin themselves." The doctor amputated my toes, using a saw and a butcher knife. The sisters were dressing mother for her grave. My poor father walked into the room were mother was, then back to us. He could not shed a tear. When my feet were fixed, they carried us in to see our mother for the last time. That afternoon she was buried in the Salt Lake City Cemetery.
We had been in Salt Lake a week, when one afternoon a knock came at the door. It was Uncle John Wood. When he met father he said, "I know it all, Bill." Both of them cried. I was glad to see my father cry. Uncle said for him to pack up and we would start right away. That night we got to Centerville where Aunt Pennie was waiting for us at Brother Garn's. The next morning we went to Farmington and stayed until the following April. My father married again.
Instead of my feet getting better they got worse. The following July I went to Doctor Wiseman's to live, but it was no use; he said he could do no more for me unless I would consent to have them cut off at the ankle. I told him what Brigham Young had promised me. He said, "All right, sit there and rot, I will do nothing more until you come to your senses." One day I sat crying, my feet hurting me so, when a little old woman knocked at the door and said she had felt that someone needed her. When she saw me crying, she came and asked me what was the matter. I showed her my feet and told her the promise Pres. Young had given me. She said, "Yes, and with the help of the Lord we will save them yet." She made a poultice and put on my feet, and every day, after the doctor had gone, she would come and change the poultice. At the end of three months my feet were well . . .
I went home to my father. When he saw how my legs were, we both cried. He rubbed the cords of my legs with oil and tried every way to straighten them. One day he said, "Mary I have thought of a plan to help you. I will nail a shelf on the wall and while I am away at work, you try to reach it." I tried all day and for several days. At last I could reach it. Then he would put the shelf a little higher and in about three months my legs were straight. In the spring, the people all moved south. My father and family moved to Nephi. I stayed at Spanish Fork until the spring of 1859, when I came to Nephi.
On the 26th of June I was married to Richard Pay. My husband, I first saw at Liverpool. He and his wife, Sarah, sailed in the ship Horizon; we traveled together. At Iowa Camp Ground their little girl was born July 11, 1856. The mother took the mountain fever. The baby died October 4, 1856, at Chimney Rock. Bro. Pay could not get anyone to dig the grave so he started digging it himself, when my father came and helped him. When my little sister died at Sweetwater, Brother Pay helped my father when she was buried by the roadside. Brother Pay's wife died at Bridger, so he was left alone. He arrived at Salt Lake City the 13th of December. He came down to American Fork and stayed all winter. In the spring he started with all he owned tied up in a handkerchief, and walked to Nephi where he lived at Jacob G. Bigler's, who was the bishop, and worked for him for two years. Bishop Bigler was the one who married us at Nephi.
My husband bought a one-room adobe house; for the window we had a sack. Glass we could not get, so we greased some paper and put over the sack. That did alright until one day it rained and spoiled our glass. We then put up factory. We had a bedstead, three chairs, a table and a box for our flour. We had two sheets, two pillow slips and one quilt. For dishes we had three tin plates, three cups, a pan or two to cook in and a spider to bake our bread. After awhile we bought a bake kettle and a brass kettle. We grew squash, let them freeze, and then boiled them and made molasses of the juice. We would make preserve by cutting up carrots and parsnips the size of dice and boiling the fruit in the juice. We saved the bits of fat and bones for our soap. To make the lye we would burn hardwood for ashes then put them in a leach, which was made by putting three or four boards in a v-shape, then adding some straw, then the ashes. When we had enough we would pour boiling water on and the lye would run slowly out. This we would boil and then make our soap. My husband made adobes, for which he received eight sheep. I washed the wool, spun and dyed it with weeds and leaves. I learned how to spin and knit so I could knit our stockings, mitts and ties. My husband made our shoes.
The people all lived inside a large mud wall with a north and south gate. At night our cattle and sheep were brought home and we were all locked up inside the fort for safety from the Indians. Guards were at both gates to see that no one came in or went out of the gates. They were locked at eight o'clock every night. If you did not get in by then you were locked out. My husband took his turn on guard and when the Black Hawk War broke out he was a Minute Man, called out any moment night or day. He had to furnish his own gun and ammunition and had to keep rations on hand. These were always ready so he could go at any moment. He belonged to Company B.; Benjamin Riches was his captain. Many a time he was called out to march after the red men, and would take his gun and 40 rounds of ammunition. I got to know the rap of Brother Peter Button. He would say, "Brother Pay, I want you on the march as quick as possible." He would kiss his wife and babies and be gone. We did not know if we would ever see each other again. All we could do was pray.
There was a small tribe of Indians called Pagwats that stayed around Nephi. Their chief's name was Pawania. He and his squaw were very friendly to the white people. Many a time she brought letters for us and we would send them by her. She would help me wash and pick wool and she taught me their language. She would tell me she had seen my husband and little son and they were well. She was very honest and would often bring back things that her papoose had taken. One day she went to my husband's camp to get something to eat. He did not have anything to give her so she went to her wickiup and cooked a meal of deer meat and beans and made a cake of ground sunflower seeds. She then called him to eat with them. Of course he had to go, but they ate with their fingers . . . Black Hawk was a fine-looking chief. He and his squaws would come in the fall to get us to hire them to husk corn. He would come with them but he would not work. He would make a bargain for us to pay them so much corn and the best dinner we could get them, which was not very rich, I assure you. Black Hawk looked different from the other chiefs. He was tall and wore long feathers. His nose was long and he had a moustache. He could talk English quite well. He had three nice-looking squaws. It was fun to see them try to use their plates and knives and forks like the whites . . .
One might wonder what my husband used to fix his shoes with. He had to work to make everything himself. There was a tannery where he could buy the leather, paying for it with wheat, corn or potatoes. For the pegs he would get maple and saw it into different sizes, cutting them with his knife. For the wax he boiled tar and put grease in it. For the shoe thread some of thee sisters spun the cotton and greased it with wax. For soda we would skim saleratus from the top of the ground, clean it and use it for cooking. For whitewash, we would bury a rock of plaster of paris in hot ashes, make a fire and burn it until it crumbled. Our salt we got out of a cave; we had to boil it to get it clear. We made our starch out of potatoes. To grate the potatoes we used a piece of tin with holes punched in it. We would make enough in the spring to last a year. For fruit we gathered ground cherries, serviceberries, chokecherries and wild bullberries. My husband was a teacher in the first Sunday School in Nephi. Thirteen children were born to us, ten sons and three daughters. Two died in infancy, and one little son when he was two years old. The rest lived to manhood and womanhood. We lived in Nephi twenty-two years, then moved to Leamington. On January 5th, 1882, our oldest son died of pneumonia. He was 21 years, 3 months old. Richard an I were called to sing in the choir. He was a teacher in the ward, and clerk and president of the Seventies. I was called as second counselor in the Relief Society to work with Sister Ann T. Walker. She moved away and I worked under another sister until the fall of 1893, when I moved back to Nephi. I was called as president of the Primary in Leamington. I labored in the Relief Society ten years, and in the Primary twelve years.
My husband died April 18, 1893, at Leamington and was buried at Nephi. I was left with nine children; two were married. It looked pretty dark with nothing coming in. I had to depend on my boys, and being strangers they did not get much work, so I started to nurse the sick. In this I had good success. The first of September 1894 my son George died of typhoid fever. He left a wife and five children. When he died, my son William was very sick. On November 12, 1898, my daughter Sarah Eliza died.
It is now October 1896. Fifty years ago we left our homes over the sea for Utah. Quite a few of us who are left have been to Salt Lake City to celebrate our Jubilee. We met in the 14th Ward Assembly Hall. We held three meetings. President Joseph F. Smith presided and the Relief Society furnished the banquet. I stayed with Anna Pay Kimball. We met the captain of our company, John Hunt, and some of the people who came in our company. We were happy to see one another and talk of the times that are gone. My sister Carrie and her husband went up to the city with me. Her husband came in Captain Ellsworth's handcart company. We went to conference two days, and then went to the cemetery to find my mother's grave. It was lot 2, plot C. It was the first time I had seen it, for when she was buried, my feet were so I could not go to the funeral, and later I moved south. No one knows how I felt as I stood there by her grave. Alma, his wife, myself and Ethel, one of George's daughters, and Anna, her mother, were with me. There were three generations, and our mother was a martyr for the truth. I thought of her words, "Polly, I want to go to Zion while my children are small, so they can be raised in the gospel of Christ, for I know this is the true church." Now there are 31 grandchildren, 26 great- grandchildren living, and 15 are dead. There are three of us living, my brother, sister, and I.
Later I went to Farmington, and visited with my cousin Ellen Pierce. I saw a number of my cousins. I came back to the city and went to the Temple and saw my son Alma married. I worked in the Temple two days. Anna Pay Kimball went with me to all the places. My brother and three of my sons have filled missions, and her grandsons and daughters are workers in the church. They are all members of the church. I now have six sons and one daughter living, four sons are married, and I have eleven grandchildren, and I am proud of them all. In September 1902 we had a jubilee to celebrate the fifty years of settling Nephi. I was in the parade as a Gleaner the first day, the next day as a Braider. We rode in Brother Nephi Jackson's wagon. There was Aunt Bird, my sister Carrie Bowers, Eliza Bowers, Cynthia Downe and myself. I hope in fifty years that I will have the opportunity of having a representative of my family in the parade.
October, 1908: I have been to our handcart reunion and met quite a few old friends. We went to conference in Salt Lake and my brother, Anna Pay Kimball, and I went to see mother's grave. It has been re-numbered. It is now Plot F. Lots 8 and 12. October 24, 1909: I went to Sunday School and was asked to relate a few incidents of our journey across the plains. I told them we had the first snowstorm the 22nd of September in 1856. There were fifteen who died through the cold and exposure while crossing the Platte River. Sister McPherson sat by me and said that her mother was the fifteenth to die. They were all laid side by side, and a little dirt thrown over them.
NOTE: Mrs. Pay died from a stroke at the age of 70.
Goble lies in northwest Oregon along the banks of the Columbia River. Located about 45 miles north of Portland, this tiny community disappeared from maps long ago. To find Goble on a map, follow the Columbia River north from Portland until you reach Kalama, Washington. Goble is directly across the river.
PHOTOGRAPHGoing through Goble is US Highway 30, which connects Portland and Astoria, a city at the mouth of the Columbia, about 75 miles from Goble. On this highway you will find the remains of the town's buildings. The old Goble Store, now closed, sits off the highway. As travelers pass they can still see the sign that prominently reminds people that "it's Goble, not gobble." Just south from the store along the highway is the Goble Tavern, which remains in operation. The tavern looks like something from an old western movie set. One of the more lively remains of Goble is the marina. Scipio's Goble Landing RV Park and Boat Moorage is a busy place and is the only marina for 30 miles. It has a small store, which is the only remaining location in Goble where you can buy groceries. #8
Twas the night before Y2K, And all through the nation We awaited The Bug, The Millennium sensation. The chips were replaced In computers with care, In hopes that ol' Bugsy Wouldn't stop there. While some folks could think They were snug in their beds Others had visions Of dread in their heads. And Ma with her PC, And I with my Mac Had just logged on the Net And kicked back with a snack. When over the server, There arose such a clatter I called Mister Gates To see what was the matter. But he was away, So I flew like a flash Off to my bank To withdraw all my cash. When what with my wandering eyes Should I see? My good old Mac Looked sick to me. The hack of all hackers Was looking so smug, I knew that it must be The Y2K Bug! His image downloaded In no time at all, He whistled and shouted, Let all systems fall! Go Intel! Go Gateway! Now HP! Big Blue! Everything Compaq, And Pentium too! All processors big, All processors small, Crash away! Crash away! Crash away all! All the controls That planes need for their flights All microwaves, trains And all traffic lights. As I drew in my breath And was turning around, Out through the modem, He came with a bound. He was covered with fur, And slung on his back Was a sackful of virus, Set for attack. His eyes-how they twinkled! His dimples-how merry! As midnight approached, though Things soon became scary. He had a broad little face And a round little belly, And his sack filled with virus Quivered like jelly. He was chubby and plump, Perpetually grinning, And I laughed when I saw him Though my hard drive stopped spinning. A wink of his eye, And a twist of his head, Soon gave me to know A new feeling of dread. He spoke not a word, But went straight to his work, He changed all the clocks, Then turned with a jerk. With a twitch of his nose, And a quick little wink, All things electronic Soon went on the blink. He zoomed from my system, To the next folks on line, He caused such a disruption, Could this be a sign? Then I heard him exclaim, With a loud, hearty shout, Happy Y2K to you all, This is a heck-of-a night!
(provided by Marilen Sabin)
In our Volume 5, Issue 4, December 1998 newsletter we announced the opening of screenwriter, Myron Goble's movie Down in the Delta. The movie is now available in video stores. #9
PHOTOGRAPHIn our Volume 6, Issue 2, June 1999 newsletter we announced the 100th birthday celebration of Carolyn Washington Gobble Menges. On October 6, 1999 she turned 100 years old! Many of her family were in Brooksville, FL to celebrate the occasion with her. Carolyn, nicknamed "Jonah" due to her diminutive size is the daughter of Isaac H. Gobble and Martha Lewellyn Gentry. Jonah was born on October 6, 1899 in Houston, Missouri. She married William David Menges (deceased) and had children David Lee Menges (deceased), Doris Menges Varn Morton and Wilbur Maurice Menges as well as many grandchildren and great-grandchildren and great great-grandchildren. Jonah still lives alone in the home that she and Dave shared for so many years. #10
Joede Karsten underwent surgery on June 8th this year for cancer. I am happy to report that she is doing well following Chemotherapy treatments and is continuing to improve. Mel and Joede would like to express their thanks for all the prayers and good wishes. Please continue to keep both them in your prayers.
Jess Stidd spent the Thanksgiving holiday in the hospital with a collapsed lung. He is home and better now. Don Klem who has a pacemaker has been under the weather as well. Don Maddux is recovering from recent surgery at the Mayo clinic on his left arm. Esther Goble will be having hip replacement surgery in January. Please keep all these people in your prayers over the holidays.
In our last issue of the Goble Family Newsletter we had an article on page 6 about Goebel Beer. A good deal more information has been collected as a result of that article including some corrections.
Goebel Brewing began as a business in 1873 in Ohio by August Goebel. The company name was August Goebel and Company, Cincinnati Brewery until 1889. The name was changed several times over the years, i.e. Goebel Brewing Co., Ltd.; A Goebel Brewery between 1889 and 1919. During prohibition (1934-1936) the brewery was closed but reopened in 1936 as The Goebel Brewing Co., Inc., which stayed in business until 1964 when it was acquired by Stroh Brewery Company. The Goebel Brewery was then torn down and the new Brewery was built at one Stroh Drive. Goebel closed their Oakland plant in 1955, and continued to use Detroit, Muskegon, MI and Oakland, CA as brew sites.
In the days before prohibition, Cleveland's brewing trade was a source of pride for the city. Several enormous brewing enterprises were built in Cleveland. Their names came to be synonymous not only with quality beer, but with the success and prosperity of the German people in Cleveland. These were men who, in their prime, were pillars of the community. Their wealth and keen business sense won them great respect and admiration. But, most importantly, they brewed good beer. And it was the beer that was the foundation of their fortunes.
Goebel beer was also brewed and bottled in Michigan from 1874 to 1964, then it was acquired by Stroh brewing Company where it is made today..#11.
For more information see: Goebel Brewing Co, Ltd., A. Goebel Brewery, Detroit (1889-1919): and Goebel Brewing Co., Detroit (1936-1964) - Photos:
This appeared in a recent Ancestry publication.
"This hint is not original with me but I have found it a big help as I continually search. I keep a small Rolodex (near me at all times.) I list in alphabetical order by Surname and color coded Pink for my mother's side and Blue for my father's. I put the full name, including alternate spellings, date of birth, place, and date of death. On the reverse side I list spouses (who have their own cards) and successful sources. From the cards I can easily add information to my genealogy program at a later time. (It fits in my purse for Library use, too!) Hope this hint helps someone else. I really enjoy input from others and have been so lucky in finding cousins on line." Thanks to Marilen Sabin for today's Quick Tip.
When Anthony Ray Goble was in college he had an internship with Koch Industries Inc. While there he invented Random Distillation Packing. The following article was published in the Kansas Board of Regents "Margin of Excellence" booklet in 1990.
"Tony Goble, a sophomore at Kansas College of Technology, worked at Koch Industries in Wichita as a chemical lab technician. During his internship, Goble designed a stainless steel packing weight that Koch places in a distillation column to test vapor flow. The innovative design functioned so well that Koch Industries will patent the devise. Goble will be listed as the inventor and has been offered full-time employment with Koch when he graduates."
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Anthony Ray (12) Goble, Mervyn Ray (11), Harold Meryn (10), Charles C. (Charlie) (9), William (8), Jeremiah (7), William (6), Stephen (5), Daniel (4), Daniel/David (3), Daniel (2), Thomas (1), Willmi (William) Goble
Dear Family,
Happy Birthday to all those celebrating this winter. There are several Birthdays since our last newsletter and others coming up that I would like to mention. If you know of a major birthday coming up for a special relative please let me know.
Birthdays in October: John Russell (11) Goble, 86; Roy Scott (11) Goble, 85; Margaret (11) Goble Faulkner, 82. Birthdays in November: Karl Kolander (11) Goble, 82. Birthdays in December: Marian Rose (10) Goble TinlingWilliam Howard (11) Goble, 84; Walter Ernest (11) Goble, Jr., 82; Florence Molea (11) Goble Scott, 81.
I want to thank all of you who have volunteered to help. It's difficult, as we all live so far apart, to share the tasks but I do really appreciate all the effort.
Barbara Volker has graciously taken over the administration of some of our GenConnect Boards. She is also working with Margaret Faulkner, Jack Faulkner, Patricia Weaver and Judith Oken in the planning of our 2001 reunion.
As I said on the first page, I have had to cut back on the numbers of newsletters I am producing each year. I am working now and am finding it very difficult to maintain the homepage, the databases and produce 4 newsletters each year. I hope this does not disturb or disappoint anyone too much. Thank you for your understanding.
I'd like to share a new discovery with you. It isn't a Goble discovery, but a genealogical unearthing of my ancestors on my grandmother Lena Scott Goble's side of the family. Her mother was Julia Mary Cushman whom I have traced to Thomas Cushman and Mary Allerton of the Mayflower. I'm looking for more proof and facts, as always, but this was an exciting find for me! Don't forget how important it is to trace all your branches.
Warren and I are both enjoying good health and we hope you are as well. We are looking forward to a busy and happy New Year and are excited about beginning the new millenium with all of you!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Century to all. Thanks for being there and supporting the Goble Family Association with your time, information, stories and contributions. All has been very much appreciated.
God's blessings to all,
Love, Evelyn
We have just completed our third year as a family association and are happy to begin a New Year and a new century of family research, sharing and love.
The Goble Family Association will: serve as the coordination point for the planning and holding of future family reunions; sponsor and provide assistance to further the research and preservation of historically significant family matters; help family genealogists connect to their ancestors through the Goble computer database; encourage members to produce written documentation of their family history (identifying sources); provide the Goble Newsletter to its' members, and maintain an internet resource for historical information.
Volunteers are needed to:
• The membership dues have been $10.00 per calendar year (January through December) which included a subscription and hard copy of the quarterly newsletter. Beginning in year 2000 the $10.00 contribution will cover 2 newsletters per year for 2 years. Therefore your subscription will be for 2000-2001.
• If you would prefer you can become a member of the Goble Family Association and receive an e-mailed copy of the newsletter at no cost.
• Contributions to support the Association and to provide hard copy mailings of the Goble Family Newsletter to libraries, historical and genealogical societies, and those unable to pay the dues is most appreciated.
If you would like to join the Goble Family Association and receive the Goble Family Newsletter please fill out and mail the form below:
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E- mail:________________________________
___ Payment of $10.00 (US currency) is enclosed for a "hard copy" postal mailed newsletter to cover 2 mailings a year for 2 years.
___ I would prefer to receive an e-mailed copy of the newsletter at no cost.
___ My contribution to the Goble Family Association is enclosed.
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Mail to:
Goble Family Association
Evelyn Goble Steen
36 Lake Meade Drive
East Berlin, PA 17316
If you are already on the e-mail mailing list you don't need to sign up again. Your address will remain unless you ask to be removed. Please keep us informed of any address changes!
This Web Site is Sponsored by the Goble Family Association
Copyright (c) 1999 by Evelyn Goble Steen, All Rights Reserved
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