
Source for:   Phebe\Phoebe (5) Goble,   12 MAY 1743 - ABT 1834         Index

Name source:    S6629

Birth source:    S29763

Birth source:    S6787

Birth source:    S22670

Death source:    S30855

Death source:    S31130

Text:   says about 1834


Source for:   Jonas (5) Goble,   4 APR 1745 - 1 MAY 1782         Index

Name source:    S6629

Birth source:    Goble Publications: George, Norma, Dorothy, etc.

Death source:    S7233
Page:   page 87


Source for:   Jacob (5) Goble,   22 JAN 1747 - UNKNOWN         Index

Name source:    S6629

Birth source:    S29763

Birth source:    S6787
Page:   page 14

Birth source:    S6629
Page:   page 173

Birth source:    S5600

Text:   says 27 Jan 1747

_MIL    S19503


Source for:   Ruth (5) Goble,   1 AUG 1748 - UNKNOWN         Index

Name source:    S6629

Birth source:    Dorothy Hand Dymond - Genealogy of the Hand Family and Related Families, 1982 - pg 173.

Birth source:    S16989

Text:   says birthdate is 31 Aug 1748


Source for:   George (Jacob) (5) Goble,   26 MAY 1750 - 22 AUG 1831         Index

Name source:    S16989

Name source:    S6629

Name source:    S5768
Page:   page 300

Text:   states Jacob George, his son (Robert), also names Jacob as his son.

Birth source:    S4398

Text:   DAR Patriot Index, 1966

Birth source:    S15434

Text:   Goble listing, New Jersey - Microfilm

Death source:    Rev War Records, letter dated Aug 17, 1936 to Edgar A. Goble, Bristol, Virginia regarding George Goble - R,4076 and Christian Gobble - W.2931. (EGS copy of letter)

_MIL    Story written by William C. Goble, provided by Helen Andersen, 1996. & Rev War Records, letter dated Aug 17, 1936 to Edgar A. Goble, Bristol, Virginia regarding George Goble - R,4076 and Christian Gob
ble - W.2931. (EGS copy of letter)
_MIL    S7538
Page:   page 449

Text:   R4076

_FA1    Rev War Records, letter dated Aug 17, 1936 to Edgar A. Goble, Bristol, Virginia regarding George Goble - R,4076 and Christian Gobble - W.2931. (EGS copy of letter)

Pension file from National Arachives, R4076.

Occupation source:    S8406

Event source:    Story written by William C. Goble, provided by Helen Andersen, 1996.

Event source:    Story written by William C. Goble, provided by Helen Andersen, 1996.

Event source:    Rev War Pension file from National Archives, R4076.

Event source:    S2018