
Source for:   James Edward (Edda) (8) Goble,   BET 15 NOV 1869 AND 1870 - 14 JUL 1939         Index

Name source:    S5707

Text:   1880 Washington, Whitley, Indiana says "Edda"
1900 Indiana,Huntington,Clear Creek,ED# 74 says Edward

Birth source:    S19937

Birth source:    S16270

Birth source:    S2884

Text:   says Nov 15 1879

Birth source:    S3627

Birth source:    S5707

Text:   1900 Indiana,Huntington,Clear Creek,ED# 74 says 1870

Death source:    S16270

Death source:    S4236

Burial source:    S16270

Event source:    S16270

Text:   Whitley Co., Indiana Obits 1858-1910 of father


Source for:   George O. L. (8) Goble,   9 JUL 1878 - 20 NOV 1951         Index

Name source:    S16270

Name source:    S5707

Text:   1880 Washington, Whitley, Indiana
1900 Indiana, Whitley, Washington, ED# 120

Birth source:    S19937

Birth source:    S16270

Death source:    S16270

Text:   Whitley Co., Indiana Obits 1858-1910 (father's)

Burial source:    S16270

Occupation source:    S16270


Source for:   Perry Westfall (8) Goble,   30 OCT 1874 - 12 MAR 1949         Index

Name source:    S5329

Name source:    S5707

Text:   1880 Washington, Whitley, Indiana
1900 Washington, Whitley, Indiana
1920: Washington, Whitley, Indiana
1930: Washington, Whitley, Indiana

Birth source:    S7383

Text:   Nov. 1996

Birth source:    S19937

Death source:    S16270

Death source:    S2884

Death source:    S4236

Burial source:    S16270

Occupation source:    S16270

Religion source:    S16270


Source for:   Charles Montgomery,   UNKNOWN - UNKNOWN         Index

Name source:    S16270

Text:   Whitley Co., Indiana Obits 1858-1910 (James Goble, 1907)


Source for:   William G. Brown,   UNKNOWN - UNKNOWN         Index

Name source:    S17562

Text:   Allen County Library


Source for:   Virgie A. (9) Steaver,   APR 1884 - UNKNOWN         Index

Name source:    S5707

Text:   1900 Indiana, Whitley, Washington, ED# 120

Birth source:    S5707

Text:   1900 Indiana, Whitley, Washington, ED# 120