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Evelyn Goble Steen
1800 | 1810 | 1820 | 1830 | 1840 | 1850 | 1860 | 1870 | 1880 | 1890 | 1900 | 1910 | 1920 | 1930
1800From Tax Lists Year Surname Given Name (s) County State Page Township or Other 1799 GOBLE STEPHEN NORTHWEST TERR OH 051 No Township Listed 1800 GOBLE DAVID Ohio Terr OH Northwestern Territory 1800 GOBLE STEPHEN Ohio Terr OH Northwestern Territory 1800 GOBLE STPEHEN Ohio Terr OH Northwestern Territory 1802 GOBLE JOHN Northwest Terr OH 193 Unknown Townships 1806 GOBLE BENONI Butler County OH 006 No Township Listed 1806 GOBLE ISAAC Hamilton County OH 013 No Township Listed 1806 GOBLE DANIEL Butler County OH 015 No Township Listed 1807 GOBEL ABNER Butler County OH 000 Miscellaneous Townships 1807 GOBEL BENONE Butler County OH 000 Miscellaneous Townships 1807 GOBLE DANIEL Butler County OH 000 Miscellaneous Townships 1807 GOBLE JONATHAN Butler County OH 000 Miscellaneous Townships 1807 GOBEL ROBERT Butler County OH 000 Miscellaneous Townships 1808 GOBLE ISAAC Hamilton County OH 015 Miscellaneous Townships 1809 GOBLE BENONI Butler County OH 011 No Township Listed 1809 GOBLE DANIEL Butler County OH 013 No Township Listed 1809 GOBLE JONATHAN Butler County OH 011 No Township ListedReturn to Top
1810Year Surname Given Name (s) County State Page Township or Other 1810 GOBLE ABNER Butler County OH 017 No Township Listed 1810 GOBLE BENONI Butler County OH 017 No Township Listed 1810 GOBLE DANIEL Butler County OH 016 No Township Listed 1810 GOBLE JONATHAN Butler County OH 017 No Township Listed 1810 GOBLE ISAAC Hamilton County OH 031 Springfield Township 1810 GOBLE ISAAC Hamilton County OH 031 SpringfieldReturn to Top
1820Year Surname Given Name (s) County State Page Township or Other 1820 GOBEL SAMUEL Clark County OH 018 German Township 1820 GOBLE ABNER Butler County OH 071 Wayne Township 1820 GOBLE BENONEY Butler County OH 071 Wayne Township 1820 GOBLE HIRAM Clark County OH 010 Springfield Township 1820 GOBLE WILLIAM Clermont County OH 034 Ohio Township 1820 GOBLE ANN Columbia County OH 090 New Lisbon 1820 GOBLE SIMEON Columbia County OH 061 Fairfield Township 1820 GOBLE WILLIAM Darke County OH 081 Adams Township 1820 GOBLE JOSEPH Miami County OH 087 Elizabeth Township 1820 GOBLE ISAAC Perry County OH 021 Jackson Township 1820 GOBLE PETER Perry County OH 020 Jackson Township 1820 GOBLE ISAAC Preble County OH 087 Dixon Township 1820 GOBLE CALEB Shelby County OH 144 No Township Listed 1820 GOBLE ANDREW Union County OH 098 Summers Township 1820 GOBLE THOMAS Union County OH 098 Summers TownshipReturn to Top
1830Year Surname Given Name (s) County State Page Township or Other 1830 GOBLE HARVEY Athens County OH 231 York Township 1830 GOBLE DANIEL P. Butler County OH 038 Lemon Township 1830 GOBLE FIELDING Butler County OH 038 Lemon Township 1830 GOBLE HENRY Butler County OH 119 Oxford Township 1830 GOBLE ISRAEL Butler County OH 038 Lemon Township 1830 GOBLE HIRAM Clark County OH 116 Springfield Township 1830 GOBLE WILLIAM Clermont County OH 210 New Richmond 1830 GOBLE SILAS Geauga County OH 187 Madison Township 1830 GOBLE JEREMIAH Hamilton County OH 131 Cincinnati 5th Ward 1830 GOBLE AARON Miami County OH 068 Monroe Township 1830 GOBLE DANIEL Miami County OH 019 Spring Creek Township 1830 GOBLE JOSEPH Miami County OH 036 St.Aunton Township 1830 GOBLE ISAAC Perry County OH 453 Jackson Township 1830 GOBLE PETER Perry County OH 445 Reading Township 1830 GOBLE JOHN Stark County OH 304 Jackson Township 1830 GOBLE ABRAHAM Shelby COUNTY OH Perry 1830 GOBLE JOHN Shelby County OH SidneyReturn to Top
1840Year Surname Given Name (s) County State Page Township or Other 1840 GOBLE HASSEY Athens County OH 326 Ames Township 1840 GOBLE JANE Butler County OH 151 Lemon Township 1840 GOBLE THOMAS Butler County OH 174 Fairfield Township 1840 GOBLE STEPHEN Clermont County OH 212 Ohio Township 1840 GOBLE SIMEON Columbiana County OH 233 Fairfield 1840 GOBLE HARMAN Hamilton County OH 496 Mill Creek Township 1840 GOBLE SAMUEL Hamilton County OH 103 Cincinnati 3rd Ward 1840 GOBLE CHARLES Henry County OH 278 Damascus Township 1840 GOBLE DANIEL Logan County OH 038 Washington Township 1840 GOBLE ENOS Perry County OH 125 Jackson Township 1840 GOBLE ISAAC Perry County OH 104 Madison Township 1840 GOBLE PETER Perry County OH 050 Reading Township 1840 GOBLE REUBEN Perry County OH 049 Reading Township 1840 GOBLE DAVID L. Putnam County OH 333 Richland Township 1840 GOBLE JOHN Stark County OH 138 Tuscarawas Township 1840 GOBLE EZEKIEL Summit County OH 275 Richfield Township 1840 GOBLE JOHN Summit County OH 275 Richfield Township SOUNDEX INDEX NAME RESIDENCE (CITY,COUNTY,STATE) Daniel Gabble Fearing, Washington, Ohio Aaron Gabel Bethel, Miami, Ohio Simeon Gabel Bethel, Miami, Ohio Bassil Gabill Alexander, Athens, Ohio Benjamin Gable Milton, Wayne, Ohio Daniel Gable Wayne, Tuscarawas, Ohio Daniel Gable Wayne, Wayne, Ohio David Gable Not Stated, Trumbull, Ohio Henry Gable Milton, Wayne, Ohio Jacob Gable Wayne, Wayne, Ohio James Gable Bethel, Miami, Ohio John Gable Mead, Belmont, Ohio John Gable Jefferson, Logan, Ohio John Gable Mifflin, Richland, Ohio John Gable Milton, Wayne, Ohio Joseph Gable Sugar Creek, Wayne, Ohio Philip Gable Pleasant, Marion, Ohio Robert Gable Dover, Tuscarawas, Ohio Silas Gable Portage, Summit, Ohio Simeon Gable Westley, Washington, Ohio William Gable Wayne, Wayne, Ohio Wm Gable Brooklyn, Cuyahoga, Ohio Daniel Gavel Worthington, Richland, Ohio Henry Gavel Montgomery, Franklin, Ohio Abraham Gaybill Jackson, Highland, Ohio Peter Gibble Colerain, Belmont, Ohio Victor Gibley Salt Creek, Wayne, Ohio Andrew Gobble York, Morgan, Ohio Conrad Gobble York, Morgan, Ohio Jacob Gobble ackson, Sandusky, Ohio Joseph Gobble Balls, Sandusky, Ohio Michael Gobble Jackson, Sandusky, Ohio Ebenezer Gobel Chester, Knox, Ohio Chales Goble Damascus, Henry, Ohio Daniel Goble Washington, Logan, Ohio Daniel L Goble Richland, Putnam, Ohio E D Goble Not Stated, Shelby, Ohio Enos Goble Jackson, Perry, Ohio Ezikiel Goble Richfield, Summit, Ohio Harman Goble Millcreek, Hamilton, Ohio Harvey Goble Ames, Athens, Ohio Isaac Goble Madison, Perry, Ohio Jane Goble Lemon, Butler, Ohio John Goble Tuscarawas, Stark, Ohio John Goble Richfield, Summit, Ohio John Goble Wooster, Wayne, Ohio Mathias Goble Rush Creek, Fairfield, Ohio Peter Goble Reading, Perry, Ohio Reubin Goble Reading, Perry, Ohio Samuel Goble Cincinnati Ward 3, Hamilton, Ohio Simeon Goble Fairfield, Columbiana, Ohio Stephen Goble Ohio, Clermont, Ohio Thomas Goble Fairfield, Butler, Ohio Wm Goble Ohio, Clermont, Ohio Jacob Goebel Cincinnati Ward 5, Hamilton, Ohio1840 U.S. Census, Ohio, Knox, Chesterville Found an Ebenezer Gobel (listed in the index as Gebel) Males under 5 3 Males 5-1 1 Males 20-30 2 Males 30-40 1 Females 20-30 1Return to Top
1850Year Surname Given Name (s) County State Page Township or Other 1850 GOBEL THOMAS L. Athens County OH 136 Ames Township 1850 GOBLE DAVID Allen County OH 365 Richland Township 1850 GOBLE EBENEZER Allen County OH 365 Richland Township 1850 GOBLE CHARLES Athens County OH 090 Carthage Township 1850 GOBLE GEORGE Athens County OH 142 Dover Township 1850 GOBLE HARVEY Athens County OH 135 Ames Township 1850 GOBLE JANE Butler County OH 464 Lemon Township 1850 GOBLE B. D. Champaign Co OH 375 Urbana Town 1850 GOBLE U. H. Champaign Co OH 375 Urbana Town 1850 GOBLE STEPHEN Clermont County OH 435 Ohio Township 1850 GOBLE WILLIAM Clermont County OH 435 Ohio Township 1850 GOBLE SAMUEL Fairfield Co OH 255 Amanda 1850 GOBLE PETER Franklin County OH 033 Worthington 1850 GOBLE STEPHEN Geauga County OH 212 Burton Township 1850 GOBLE DAVID Hamilton County OH 308 Cincinnati 4th Ward 1850 GOBLE EDWARD Hamilton County OH 495 Cincinnati 8th Ward 1850 GOBLE JEREMIAH Hamilton County OH 665 Cincinnati 8th Ward 1850 GOBLE SAMUEL Hamilton County OH 242 Cincinnati 11th Ward 1850 GOBLE NICHOLAS Holmes County OH 183 Berlin Township 1850 GOBLE JOHN* Huron County OH 347 New London Township 1850 GOBLE DANIEL Marion County OH 141 Pleasant Township 1850 GOBLE LEONARD Montgomery Co OH 047 Alexandersville 1850 GOBLE ADNREW Morgan County OH 087 York Township 1850 GOBLE ANDREW Morgan County OH 087 York Township 1850 GOBLE PETER Morgan County OH 087 York Township 1850 GOBLE JOSEPH D. Muskingum Co OH 032 Putnam 1850 GOBLE AMOS Perry County OH 204 Jackson Township 1850 GOBLE ELI Perry County OH 370 Madison Township 1850 GOBLE JOHN Perry County OH 387 Hopewell Township 1850 GOBLE MATTHIAS Perry County OH 299 Monday Creek 1850 GOBLE PETER Perry County OH 367 Reading Township 1850 GOBLE POLLEY Perry County OH 367 Reading Township 1850 GOBLE REBECCA Perry County OH 388 Hopewell Township 1850 GOBLE REUBEN Perry County OH 365 Reading Township 1850 GOBLE SARAH Perry County OH 370 Madison Township 1850 GOBLE SIMON Perry County OH 375 Madison Township 1850 GOBLE E.D. Shelby County OH 200 Perry Township 1850 GOBLE SARAH Shelby County OH 196 Perry Township 1850 GOBLE SIMEON Shelby County OH 201 Perry Township 1850 GOBLE ALBERT C. Summit County OH 423 Portage Township 1850 GOBLE CALISTA Summit County OH 399 Akron 1850 GOBLE DARWIN L. Summit County OH 434 Portage Township 1850 GOBLE JOHN G. Summit County OH 284 Copley Township 1850 GOBLE MARY Summit County OH 434 Portage Township 1850 GOBLE NANCY Summit County OH 411 Akron 1850 GOBLE SILAS Summit County OH 409 Akron 1850 GOBLE ANNA Trumbull County OH 262 Liberty 1850 GOBLE SIMEON Trumbull County OH 261 Liberty 1850 GOBLE ELMIRA Warren County OH 068 Lebanon1850 - Shelby, Perry County, Ohio Name Age Sex Occupation POB GOBLE, SIMEON 59 M FARMER OH GOBLE, MARIANN 40 F OH GOBLE, MARY F 10 F OH1850 U.S. Census, Ohio, Trumbull, Liberty Name Age Sex Occupation POB GOBLE, SIMEON 59 M FARMER NJ GOBLE, ENOS 29 M NJ GOBLE, MARY A 27 F NJ GOBLE, ANNA 25 F NJ ALEXANDER, SUSAN 52/53 F NJ ALEXANDER, JOHN W 18 M FARMER OHIO1850 - Huron County, New London Township, Ohio Name Age Sex Occupation POB GOBLE, JOHN 47 M FARMER NY GOBLE, LUCINDA 36 F OH GOBLE, PERMELIA 10 F OH GOBLE, MARY 7 F OH GOBLE, JACOB 5 M OH GOBLE, PHEBE 3 F OH GOBLE, JAMES 7MTS M OH1850, Perry Co., OH (Monday Creek district), p.298B (enumeration date: 11 Dec 1850) Goble, Mathias ? M OH Cooper Goble, Jane 29 F OH Goble, Margaret A. 9 F OH Goble, William F. 7 M OHReturn to Top
1860Year Surname Given Name (s) County State Page Township or Other 1860 GOBLE G. W. Allen County OH 861 Richland Township 1860 GOBLE G. W. Butler County OH 224 Oxford 1860 GOBLE MARTIN Butler County OH 627 Madison Township 1860 GOBLE SAMUEL D. Clinton County OH 045 Union Township 1860 GOBLE STEPHEN Greene County OH 186 Fairfield 1860 GOBLE JENNIE Hamilton County OH 688 8 W. Cincinnati 1860 GOBLE PETER Hamilton County OH 090 12 W. Cincinnati 1860 GOBLE SAMUEL B. Hamilton County OH 353 Green Township 1860 GOBLE WILLIAM Hamilton County OH 688 8 W. Cincinnati 1860 GOBLE JOSEPH Miami County OH 335 Spring Creek Township 1860 GOBLE ANNA Morrow County OH 017 Chester Township 1860 GOBLE E. D. Shelby County OH 387 Perry Township 1860 GOBLE JOHN M. Shelby County OH 387 Perry Township 1860 GOBLE JOHN Shelby County OH 379 Perry Township1860 - Every Name Index
NAME AGE/E.YOB POB CITY, COUNTY, STATE GENDER Thomas L Goble 37 1822 Ohio Ames, Athens, Ohio Male Phebe J Goble 35 1824 Ohio Ames, Athens, Ohio Female Elisabeth Goble 14 1845 Ohio Ames, Athens, Ohio Female Owin Goble 9 1850 Ohio Ames, Athens, Ohio Male Marshal Goble 7 1852 Ohio Ames, Athens, Ohio Male Sarah J Goble 4 1855 Ohio Ames, Athens, Ohio Female Edward Goble 2 1857 Ohio Ames, Athens, Ohio Male Harvey Goble 69 1790 New Jersey Ames, Athens, Ohio Male Charles Goble 47 1812 New York Rome, Athens, Ohio Male Lucy A Goble 42 1817 New York Rome, Athens, Ohio Female Nancy M Goble 17 1842 Pennsylvania Rome, Athens, Ohio Female Chauncey Goble 15 1844 Ohio Rome, Athens, Ohio Male Hiram Goble 10 1849 Ohio Rome, Athens, Ohio Male Robert Goble 7 1852 Ohio Rome, Athens, Ohio Male Lucy A Goble 1 1858 Ohio Rome, Athens, Ohio Female G W Goble 54 1805 New Jersey Oxford, Butler, Ohio Male Cynthia Goble 45 1814 Ohio Oxford, Butler, Ohio Female Martin Goble 24 1835 Germany Madison, Butler, Ohio Male Samuel D Goble 25 1834 Indiana Union, Clinton, Ohio Male Martha Goble 20 1839 Ohio Union, Clinton, Ohio Female Evangeline Goble 5 1854 Ohio Union, Clinton, Ohio Female Ezekiel Goble 54 1805 New York Royalton, Cuyahoga, Ohio Male Lucinda Goble 19 1840 Ohio Royalton, Cuyahoga, Ohio Female George Goble 30 1829 Germany Independence, Cuyahoga, Ohio Male Christine Goble 34 1825 Germany Independence, Cuyahoga, Ohio Female George Goble 4 1855 Germany Independence, Cuyahoga, Ohio Male Daniel Goble 36 1823 Rhine Bairne Independence, Cuyahoga, Ohio Male Sophia Goble 26 1833 Preußen Independence, Cuyahoga, Ohio Female Abram Goble 8 1851 Ohio Independence, Cuyahoga, Ohio Male Sophia Goble 7 1852 Ohio Independence, Cuyahoga, Ohio Female Frederick Goble 4 1855 Ohio Independence, Cuyahoga, Ohio Male Catharine Goble 2 1857 Ohio Independence, Cuyahoga, Ohio Female Mary Goble 6.12 Ohio Independence, Cuyahoga, Ohio Female Peter Goble 50 1809 New York Sharon, Franklin, Ohio Male Ann E Goble 40 1819 Ohio Sharon, Franklin, Ohio Female Mary Goble 18 1841 Ohio Sharon, Franklin, Ohio Female Wm O Goble 15 1844 Ohio Sharon, Franklin, Ohio Male Frances P Goble 11 1848 Ohio Sharon, Franklin, Ohio Male Albert J Goble 4 1855 Ohio Sharon, Franklin, Ohio Male John Goble 8 1851 Ohio Sharon, Franklin, Ohio Male Robert Goble 10.12 Ohio Sharon, Franklin, Ohio Male Stephen Goble 31 1828 Ohio Fairfield, Greene, Ohio Male Elizabeth Goble 28 1831 Ohio Fairfield, Greene, Ohio Female Samuel Goble 8 1851 Ohio Fairfield, Greene, Ohio Male James Goble 5 1854 Ohio Fairfield, Greene, Ohio Male Louisa Goble 1 1858 Ohio Fairfield, Greene, Ohio Female William Goble 28 1831 Ohio Cincinnati Ward 8, Hamilton, Ohio Male Mary Goble 27 1832 Ohio Cincinnati Ward 8, Hamilton, Ohio Female Mary Goble 5 1854 Ohio Cincinnati Ward 8, Hamilton, Ohio Female Harriett Goble 3 1856 Ohio Cincinnati Ward 8, Hamilton, Ohio Female Jeremiah Goble 1 1858 Ohio Cincinnati Ward 8, Hamilton, Ohio Male Jennie Goble 18 1841 Indiana Cincinnati Ward 8, Hamilton, Ohio Female Peter Goble 43 1816 Bavaria Cincinnati Ward 12, Hamilton, Ohio Male Elizabeth Goble 40 1819 Bavaria Cincinnati Ward 12, Hamilton, Ohio Female Eve Goble 13 1846 Ohio Cincinnati Ward 12, Hamilton, Ohio Female Mary Goble 9 1850 Ohio Cincinnati Ward 12, Hamilton, Ohio Female Samuel B Goble 51 1808 Ohio Green, Hamilton, Ohio Male Eliza Goble 45 1814 Ohio Green, Hamilton, Ohio Female Edward Goble 20 1839 Ohio Green, Hamilton, Ohio Male Charlotte Goble 15 1844 Ohio Green, Hamilton, Ohio Female James Goble 6 1853 Ohio Green, Hamilton, Ohio Male Mary Goble 2 1857 Ohio Green, Hamilton, Ohio Female Nancy Goble 57 1802 Württemberg Storrs, Hamilton, Ohio Female Anna Goble 20 1839 Württemberg Storrs, Hamilton, Ohio Female Chas Goble 8 1851 Ohio Storrs, Hamilton, Ohio Male August Goble 6 1853 Ohio Storrs, Hamilton, Ohio Male Jos Goble 3 1856 Ohio Storrs, Hamilton, Ohio Male Anna Goble 3.12 Ohio Storrs, Hamilton, Ohio Female Enos Goble 35 1824 Ohio Youngstown, Mahoning, Ohio Male Simeon Goble 69 1790 New Jersey Canfield, Mahoning, Ohio Male Mary Ann Goble 37 1822 Ohio Canfield, Mahoning, Ohio Female Anna Goble 71 1788 New Jersey Canfield, Mahoning, Ohio Female Anna Goble 48 1811 Pennsylvania Chester, Morrow, Ohio Female Addison Goble 22 1837 Ohio Chester, Morrow, Ohio Male Sarah Goble 15 1844 Ohio Chester, Morrow, Ohio Female Joseph Goble 42 1817 Ohio Springfield, Muskingum, Ohio Male Martha Goble 38 1821 Ohio Springfield, Muskingum, Ohio Female Miles Goble 16 1843 Ohio Springfield, Muskingum, Ohio Male Goble Goble 79 1780 Pennsylvania Springfield, Muskingum, Ohio Female Phebe Goble 15 1844 Germany Zanesville, Muskingum, Ohio Female Mary Goble 55 1804 Germany Brush Creek, Muskingum, Ohio Female Rose Ann Goble 73 1786 Germany Harrison, Muskingum, Ohio Female Evi Goble 38 1821 Ohio Madison, Perry, Ohio Male Metilda Goble 36 1823 Ohio Madison, Perry, Ohio Female Martha Goble 12 1847 Ohio Madison, Perry, Ohio Female Sarah Goble 9 1850 Ohio Madison, Perry, Ohio Female Mary Goble 7 1852 Ohio Madison, Perry, Ohio Female Elizabeth Goble 4 1855 Ohio Madison, Perry, Ohio Female Sarah Goble 76 1783 New Jersey Madison, Perry, Ohio Female John Goble 24 1835 Ohio Reading, Perry, Ohio Male Sumantha Goble 20 1839 Ohio Reading, Perry, Ohio Female Mathias Goble 42 1817 Ohio Reading, Perry, Ohio Male Jane Goble 39 1820 Ohio Reading, Perry, Ohio Female Margaret Goble 19 1840 Ohio Reading, Perry, Ohio Female Wm Goble 17 1842 Ohio Reading, Perry, Ohio Male Caroline Goble 9 1850 Ohio Reading, Perry, Ohio Female Samuel Goble 7 1852 Ohio Reading, Perry, Ohio Male Reuben F R Goble 46 1813 New Jersey Reading, Perry, Ohio Male Margaret Goble 43 1816 Ohio Reading, Perry, Ohio Female Jeremiah Goble 23 1836 Ohio Reading, Perry, Ohio Male Nancy Ann Goble 22 1837 Ohio Reading, Perry, Ohio Female Jenniah Goble 20 1839 Reading, Perry, Ohio Female Simeon Goble 32 1827 Ohio Hopewell, Perry, Ohio Male Margaret Goble 30 1829 Ohio Hopewell, Perry, Ohio Female Sarah Maria Goble 8 1851 Ohio Hopewell, Perry, Ohio Female Peter Goble 4 1855 Ohio Hopewell, Perry, Ohio Male John Goble 64 1795 Ohio Perry, Shelby, Ohio Male John M Goble 27 1832 Ohio Perry, Shelby, Ohio Male Dianna Goble 22 1837 Canada Perry, Shelby, Ohio Female Laura B Goble 2 1857 Illinois Perry, Shelby, Ohio Female E D Goble 53 1806 Ohio Perry, Shelby, Ohio Male Rebecca Goble 49 1810 Ohio Perry, Shelby, Ohio Female Jeremiah Goble 25 1834 Ohio Perry, Shelby, Ohio Male William H Goble 20 1839 Ohio Perry, Shelby, Ohio Male Thomas Goble 17 1842 Ohio Perry, Shelby, Ohio Male Nancy Goble 10 1849 Ohio Perry, Shelby, Ohio Female Catharine Goble 14 1845 Ohio Perry, Shelby, Ohio Female Jane Goble 12 1847 Ohio Perry, Shelby, Ohio Female Laura Goble 10 1849 Ohio Perry, Shelby, Ohio Female Martha Goble 7 1852 Ohio Perry, Shelby, Ohio Female Silas Goble 30 1829 Ohio Akron, Summit, Ohio Male Elizabeth Goble 30 1829 England Akron, Summit, Ohio Female Jennie Goble 5 1854 Ohio Akron, Summit, Ohio Female Ida Goble 2 1857 Ohio Akron, Summit, Ohio FemaleReturn to Top
1870Year Surname Given Name (s) County State Page Township or Other 1870 GOBLE SAMUEL D. Franklin County OH 174 4 W. Columbus 1870 GOBLE ALBERT Summit County OH 202 Cuyahoga Falls 1870 GOBLE ALFRED H. Summit County OH 218 Cuyahoga Falls 1870 GOBLE ALMON Summit County OH 200 Cuyahoga Falls 1870 GOBLE AUGUSTA E. Summit County OH 202 Cuyahoga Falls 1870 GOBLE ELISABETH Summit County OH 098 3 W. Akron 1870 GOBLE ELLEN Summit County OH 200 Cuyahoga Falls 1870 GOBLE GOBLE Summit County OH 098 3 W. Akron 1870 GOBLE JOHN Summit County OH 357 Portage Twp 1870 GOBLE JULIA Summit County OH 356 Portage Twp 1870 GOBLE MANDON Summit County OH 356 Portage Twp 1870 GOBLE MARIA L. Summit County OH 218 Cuyahoga Falls 1870 GOBLE MARY Summit County OH 357 Portage Twp 1870 GOBLE NANCY Summit County OH 205 Cuyahoga Falls 1870 GOBLE SILAS W. Summit County OH 098 3 W. AkronReturn to Top
1880Name Parents/spouse Home in 1880 Est.YOB POB Relation Charles Gobel Maria Gobel Cincinnati, Hamilton, OH <1839> HANOVER Self Maria Gobel Charles Gobel Cincinnati, Hamilton, OH <1827> PRUSSIA Wife Lena Gobel Charles Gobel, Maria Gobel Cincinnati, Hamilton, OH <1870> Ohio Daughter Jacob Gobel York, Morgan, OH <1854> Ohio Self Caroline Gobel York, Morgan, OH <1861> Ohio Sister Mary A. Gobel York, Morgan, OH <1864> Ohio Sister Emma Gobel York, Morgan, OH <1866> Ohio Sister Emma Gobel York, Morgan, OH <1877> Ohio Something other than a direct relationship Theabald Gobel Caroline Gobel Deavertown, Morgan, OH <1814> BAVARIA Self Caroline Gobel Theabald Gobel Deavertown, Morgan, OH <1821> BAVARIA Wife Peter J. Gobel Mary Gobel Deavertown, Morgan, OH <1823> BAVARIA Self Mary Gobel Peter J. Gobel Deavertown, Morgan, OH <1835> BAVARIA Wife Adam Gobel Peter J. Gobel, Mary Gobel Deavertown, Morgan, OH <1857> Ohio Son John Gobel Peter J. Gobel, Mary Gobel Deavertown, Morgan, OH <1861> Ohio Son Mary E. Gobel Peter J. Gobel, Mary Gobel Deavertown, Morgan, OH <1866> Ohio Daughter Caroline Gobel Peter J. Gobel, Mary Gobel Deavertown, Morgan, OH <1869> Ohio Daughter Alice Gobel Peter J. Gobel, Mary Gobel Deavertown, Morgan, OH <1871> Ohio Daughter Edward Gobel Peter J. Gobel, Mary Gobel Deavertown, Morgan, OH <1873> Ohio Son Charles Gobel Peter J. Gobel, Mary Gobel Deavertown, Morgan, OH <1876> Ohio Son Mary Morningstar Elizabeth Gobel, Philip Morningstar Brush Creek, Muskingum, OH <1840> Ohio Wife Elizabeth Gobel Brush Creek, Muskingum, OH <1803> Germany Mother-in-law Elsie Gobel Montgomery, Wood, OH <1872> Ohio Stepdaughter Jacob Gobel Montgomery, Wood, OH <1874> Ohio Stepson Hannha Swing Stephen Goble, Randolph Swing Ohio, Clermont, OH <1848> Ohio Wife Stephen Goble Ohio, Clermont, OH <1804> Ohio Father-in-law Mary E. Goble Ohio, Clermont, OH <1856> Ohio Stepdaughter Richard Goble Ohio, Clermont, OH <1858> Ohio Stepson Lena C. Goble Ohio, Clermont, OH <1861> Ohio Stepdaughter E.G. Goble Rebecca Goble East Palestine, Columbiana, OH <1823> Ohio Self Rebecca Goble E.G. Goble East Palestine, Columbiana, OH <1834> Ohio Wife Mary A. Goble E.G. Goble, Rebecca Goble East Palestine, Columbiana, OH <1868> Ohio Daughter Nannie D. Goble E.G. Goble, Rebecca Goble East Palestine, Columbiana, OH <1871> Ohio Daughter Catherine Goble Cleveland, Cuyahoga, OH <1831> PRU Self Edward Goble Catherine Goble Cleveland, Cuyahoga, OH <1866> Ohio Son John M. Goble Samantha Goble Rush Creek, Fairfield, OH <1837> Ohio Self Samantha Goble John M. Goble Rush Creek, Fairfield, OH <1840> Ohio Wife Frank P. Goble Mary E. Goble Washington, Franklin, OH <1850> Ohio Self Mary E. Goble Frank P. Goble Washington, Franklin, OH <1850> Ohio Wife Ellen Goble Union, Hancock, OH <1863> Ohio Sister-in-law Sarah Goble Union, Hancock, OH <1832> Ohio Self Martha Goble Sarah Goble Union, Hancock, OH <1868> Ohio Daughter Charles Goble Sarah Goble Union, Hancock, OH <1871> Ohio Son Bessie Goble Sarah Goble Union, Hancock, OH <1873> Ohio Daughter S. B. Goble Eliza Goble Green, Hamilton, OH <1809> Ohio Self Eliza Goble S. B. Goble Green, Hamilton, OH <1811> Ohio Wife Mary Goble S. B. Goble, Eliza Goble Green, Hamilton, OH <1858> Ohio Daughter Marg. Goble S. B. Goble, Eliza Goble Green, Hamilton, OH <1866> Ohio Daughter Edward Goble Mary Goble Green, Hamilton, OH <1840> Ohio Self Mary Goble Edward Goble Green, Hamilton, OH <1840> Ohio Wife Amor Goble Edward Goble, Mary Goble Green, Hamilton, OH <1870> Ohio Son Samuel Goble Edward Goble, Mary Goble Green, Hamilton, OH <1875> Ohio Son George Goble Cincinnati, Hamilton, OH <1862> Indiana Nephew Mattie Goble Cincinnati, Hamilton, OH <1864> Ohio Niece Sarah Goble Cincinnati, Hamilton, OH <1853> Ohio Sister-in-law Frank M. Goble Jennie M. Goble Cincinnati, Hamilton, OH <1848> Ohio Self Jennie M. Goble Mary C. Calloway, Frank M. Goble Cincinnati, Hamilton, OH <1849> Indiana Wife Mary R. Goble Frank M. Goble, Jennie M. Goble Cincinnati, Hamilton, OH <1873> Ohio Daughter WilliamC. Goble Frank M. Goble, Jennie M. Goble Cincinnati, Hamilton, OH <1875> Ohio Son CharlotteF.Goble Frank M. Goble, Jennie M. Goble Cincinnati, Hamilton, OH <1879> Ohio Daughter Delia Goble Saint Albans, Licking, OH <1861> Ohio Something other than a direct relationship Ada Goble Saint Albans, Licking, OH <1876> Illinois Something other than a direct relationship Andrew J. Goble Mary M. Goble Columbia, Meigs, OH <1839> Pennsylvania Self Mary M. Goble Andrew J. Goble Columbia, Meigs, OH <1840> Ohio Wife Andrew S. Goble Andrew J. Goble, Mary M. Goble Columbia, Meigs, OH <1866> Ohio Son Ellen Goble Andrew J. Goble, Mary M. Goble Columbia, Meigs, OH <1868> Ohio Daughter Eddie Goble Andrew J. Goble, Mary M. Goble Columbia, Meigs, OH <1870> Ohio Son Ettie Goble Andrew J. Goble, Mary M. Goble Columbia, Meigs, OH <1874> Ohio Daughter John R. Goble Andrew J. Goble, Mary M. Goble Columbia, Meigs, OH <1877> Ohio Son Hiram Goble Lizze Goble Salisbury, Meigs, OH <1854> Ohio Self Lizze Goble Hiram Goble Salisbury, Meigs, OH <1851> Ohio Wife Hiram W. Goble Hiram Goble, Lizze Goble Salisbury, Meigs, OH <1871> Ohio Son Hania F. Goble Hiram Goble, Lizze Goble Salisbury, Meigs, OH <1874> Ohio Daughter Margret Goble Hiram Goble, Lizze Goble Salisbury, Meigs, OH <1877> Ohio Daughter Cancy C. Goble Hiram Goble, Lizze Goble Salisbury, Meigs, OH <1880> Ohio Son Birtha Goble Salisbury, Meigs, OH <1845> Ohio Self Ida Goble Birtha Goble Salisbury, Meigs, OH <1874> Ohio Daughter Lucy Clark Charles Goble, Ruell Clark Scipio, Meigs, OH <1858> Ohio Wife Charles Goble Scipio, Meigs, OH <1813> New York Father-in-law Robert Goble Scipio, Meigs, OH <1858> Ohio Something other than a direct relationship George Goble Madison, Montgomery, OH <1853> O Something other than a direct relationship Mathew Goble Madison, Montgomery, OH <1851> O Something other than a direct relationship Andrew Goble Catharine Goble York, Morgan, OH <1819> BARIEN Self John Goble Catharine Goble York, Morgan, OH <1853> Ohio Self Catharine Goble Andrew Goble York, Morgan, OH <1827> BARIEN Wife Catharine Goble John Goble York, Morgan, OH <1855> Ohio Wife Ella Goble John Goble, Catharine Goble York, Morgan, OH <1877> Ohio Daughter William Goble Andrew Goble, Catharine Goble York, Morgan, OH <1862> Ohio Son Elizabeth Goble John Goble, Catharine Goble York, Morgan, OH <1879> Ohio Daughter Lewis Goble Andrew Goble, Catharine Goble York, Morgan, OH <1864> Ohio Son Phoebe Goble Andrew Goble, Catharine Goble York, Morgan, OH <1867> Ohio Daughter Charles A. Goble John Goble, Catharine Goble York, Morgan, OH <1880> Ohio Son Andrew Goble Andrew Goble, Catharine Goble York, Morgan, OH <1870> Ohio Son Peater Goble Catherina Goble Zanesville, Muskingum, OH <1810> Germany Self Catherina Goble Peater Goble Zanesville, Muskingum, OH <1815> Germany Wife Jacob Goble Margret Goble Zanesville, Muskingum, OH <1822> BAVARIA Self Margret Goble Jacob Goble Zanesville, Muskingum, OH <1848> BAVARIA Wife Adam Goble Terissa Goble Zanesville, Muskingum, OH <1831> BADEN Self Terissa Goble Adam Goble Zanesville, Muskingum, OH <1835> BADEN Wife John Goble Adam Goble, Terissa Goble Zanesville, Muskingum, OH <1860> BADEN Son Frank Goble Adam Goble, Terissa Goble Zanesville, Muskingum, OH <1864> Ohio Son Ann Goble Adam Goble, Terissa Goble Zanesville, Muskingum, OH <1868> Ohio Daughter Rose Goble Adam Goble, Terissa Goble Zanesville, Muskingum, OH <1870> Ohio Daughter Willie Goble Adam Goble, Terissa Goble Zanesville, Muskingum, OH <1871> Ohio Son Adam Goble Adam Goble, Terissa Goble Zanesville, Muskingum, OH <1874> Ohio Son Charles Goble Adam Goble, Terissa Goble Zanesville, Muskingum, OH <1877> Ohio Son Mary Goble Zanesville, Muskingum, OH <1868> Ohio Daughter Rosa Goble Zanesville, Muskingum, OH <1870> Ohio Daughter Adam Goble Zanesville, Muskingum, OH <1872> Ohio Son Sylvester L. Goble William Goble, Rebecca Goble Jackson, Perry, OH <1873> Ohio Son Clara M. Goble William Goble, Rebecca Goble Jackson, Perry, OH <1875> Ohio Daughter Jasper W. Goble William Goble, Rebecca Goble Jackson, Perry, OH <1877> Ohio Son William Goble Rebecca Goble Jackson, Perry, OH <1843> Ohio Self Rebecca Goble William Goble Jackson, Perry, OH <1846> Ohio Wife George G. Goble William Goble, Rebecca Goble Jackson, Perry, OH <1868> Ohio Son Catherine M. Goble William Goble, Rebecca Goble Jackson, Perry, OH <1871> Ohio Daughter Enos Goble Lydia Goble Jackson, Perry, OH <1809> Ohio Self Lydia Goble Enos Goble Jackson, Perry, OH <1814> Ohio Wife ...Eon Goble Margaret Goble Hopewell, Perry, OH <1828> Ohio Self Margaret Goble ...Eon Goble Hopewell, Perry, OH <1830> Ohio Wife Peter Goble ...Eon Goble, Margaret Goble Hopewell, Perry, OH <1856> Ohio Son Evi Goble Matilda Goble Madison, Perry, OH <1822> Ohio Self Matilda Goble Evi Goble Madison, Perry, OH <1824> Ohio Wife Mary C. Goble Evi Goble, Matilda Goble Madison, Perry, OH <1855> Ohio Daughter Lizzie M. Goble Evi Goble, Matilda Goble Madison, Perry, OH <1857> Ohio Daughter Ruben Goble Hannah Goble Reading, Perry, OH <1814> New Jersey Self Mathew Goble Penninah Goble Reading, Perry, OH <1836> Ohio Self Hannah Goble Ruben Goble Reading, Perry, OH <1812> Pennsylvania Wife Penninah Goble Mathew Goble Reading, Perry, OH <1851> Ohio Wife Ann Goble Ruben Goble, Hannah Goble Reading, Perry, OH <1837> Ohio Daughter Nora Goble Circleville, Pickaway, OH <1863> Ohio Something other than a direct relationship Lester Goble Streetsboro, Portage, OH <1869> Ohio Brother-in-law Anna A. Goble Lidda Goble College Corner, Preble, OH <1791> Ohio Self Lidda Goble College Corner, Preble, OH <1788> Pennsylvania Mother Jacob Goble Sophia Goble Jackson, Sandusky, OH <1853> Ohio Self Sophia Goble Jacob Goble Jackson, Sandusky, OH <1854> Germany Wife Henry Goble Jacob Goble, Sophia Goble Jackson, Sandusky, OH <1877> Ohio Son Elen Goble Jacob Goble, Sophia Goble Jackson, Sandusky, OH <1879> Ohio Daughter Jacob Goble Jackson, Sandusky, OH <1821> Germany Self Mary A. Goble Jacob Goble Jackson, Sandusky, OH <1855> Ohio Daughter Charles Goble Jacob Goble Jackson, Sandusky, OH <1857> Ohio Son Frank Goble J acob Goble Jackson, Sandusky, OH <1859> Ohio Son Lewis Goble Jacob Goble Jackson, Sandusky, OH <1861> Ohio Son John Goble Jacob Goble Jackson, Sandusky, OH <1865> Ohio Son Albert Goble Jacob Goble Jackson, Sandusky, OH <1867> Ohio Son William Goble Jacob Goble Jackson, Sandusky, OH <1871> Ohio Son William H. Goble Mary E. Goble Perry, Shelby, OH <1840> Ohio Self Mary E. Goble WilliamH. Goble Perry, Shelby, OH <1850> Ohio Wife Ollevia Goble WilliamH. Goble, Mary E. Goble Perry, Shelby, OH <1875> Ohio Daughter John W. Goble William H. Goble, Mary E. Goble Perry, Shelby, OH <1879> --- Son Laura B. Goble Perry, Shelby, OH <1853> --- Sister Selle Goble Akron, Summit, OH <1857> Ohio Something other than a direct relationship Silas W. Goble Elizabeth Goble Akron, Summit, OH <1827> Ohio Self Elizabeth Goble Silas W. Goble Akron, Summit, OH <1830> England Wife Nellie B. Goble Silas W. Goble, Elizabeth Goble Akron, Summit, OH <1864> Ohio Daughter Lizzie Boyd Silas W. Goble, Elizabeth Goble Akron, Summit, OH <1861> Ohio Daughter Ellen Goble E. S. Rockwell, Sarah Rockwell Cuyahoga Falls, Summit, OH <1841> Ohio Daughter Geo. Goble Cuyahoga Falls, Summit, OH <1867> Ohio Grandson Millie Goble Cuyahoga Falls, Summit, OH <1869> Ohio Granddaughter Albert C. Goble Nancy Goble, Harriet Goble Cuyahoga Falls, Summit, OH <1838> Ohio Self Harriet Goble Albert C. Goble Cuyahoga Falls, Summit, OH <1840> Ohio Wife Cora B. Goble Albert C. Goble, Harriet Goble Cuyahoga Falls, Summit, OH <1869> Ohio Daughter Nancy Goble Cuyahoga Falls, Summit, OH <1815> Pennsylvania Mother John G. Goble Portage, Summit, OH <1818> Pennsylvania Self Martha C. Ingalls John G. Goble Portage, Summit, OH <1856> Ohio Daughter Marsden Goble Julia Goble Portage, Summit, OH <1835> Ohio Self Julia Goble Marsden Goble Portage, Summit, OH <1837> Ohio Wife Curtis Goble Marsden Goble, Julia Goble Portage, Summit, OH <1865> Ohio Son Lester Goble Marsden Goble, Julia Goble Portage, Summit, OH <1870> Ohio Son Archer Goble Marsden Goble, Julia Goble Portage, Summit, OH <1872> Ohio Son George Goble Akron, Summit, OH <1850> Ohio Something other than a direct relationship Sadie Goble Akron, Summit, OH <1850> Ohio Something other than a direct relationship Eva Goble Sandy, Tuscarawas, OH <1857> Ohio Self Frank Goble Eva Goble Sandy, Tuscarawas, OH <1876> Ohio Son Robert Goble Eliza Goble Monroe, Allen, OH <1853> Texas Self Eliza Goble Robert Goble Monroe, Allen, OH <1854> Ohio Wife Sarah Goble Robert Goble, Eliza Goble Monroe, Allen, OH <1878> Ohio Daughter Lizzie Goble Bluffton, Allen, OH <1857> Ohio Something other than a direct relationship Lenard Goble Lidia Goble Beaver Dam, Allen, OH <1857> Ohio Self Lidia Goble Lenard Goble Beaver Dam, Allen, OH <1863> Ohio Wife John Goble Richland, Allen, OH <1817> Pennsylvania Self Calvin Goble John Goble Richland, Allen, OH <1873> Ohio Son Allen D Goble John Goble Richland, Allen, OH <1853> Ohio Son Jane Goble Richland, Allen, OH <1856> Ohio Daughter-in-law Otis Goble Richland, Allen, OH <1874> Ohio Son-in-law Clyde Goble Richland, Allen, OH <1875> Ohio Son-in-law Elmina Goble Richland, Allen, OH <1879> Ohio Daughter-in-law George Goble Jane Goble Richland, Allen, OH <1819> Pennsylvania Self Thomas L. Goble Harriet Goble Richland, Allen, OH <1848> Mississippi Self Jane Goble George Goble Richland, Allen, OH <1826> Ohio Wife Harriet Goble Thomas L. Goble Richland, Allen, OH <1853> Ohio Wife John Goble Thomas L. Goble, Harriet Goble Richland, Allen, OH <1871> Ohio Son Allen Goble George Goble, Jane Goble Richland, Allen, OH <1850> Ohio Son Robert L. Goble Thomas L. Goble, Harriet Goble Richland, Allen, OH <1874> Ohio Son Martha J. Goble George Goble, Jane Goble Richland, Allen, OH <1852> Ohio Daughter Edward Goble Thomas L. Goble, Harriet Goble Richland, Allen, OH <1876> Ohio Son Charles Goble George Goble, Jane Goble Richland, Allen, OH <1854> Ohio Son Dora Goble Thomas L. Goble, Harriet Goble Richland, Allen, OH <1877> Ohio Daughter Anna E. Goble Thomas L. Goble, Harriet Goble Richland, Allen, OH <1879> Ohio Daughter Ebenezer B. Goble Christina Goble Richland, Allen, OH <1849> Ohio Self Christina Goble Ebenezer B. Goble Richland, Allen, OH <1853> Ohio Wife George W. Goble Semantha Goble Oxford, Butler, OH <1806> New Jersey Self Semantha Goble George W. Goble Oxford, Butler, OH <1811> New York Wife Chancy Gobles Carlotte E. Gobles Salisbury, Meigs, OH <1845> Ohio Self Carlotte E. Gobles Elizabeth Secoy, Chancy Gobles Salisbury, Meigs, OH <1851> Ohio Wife Mary V. Gobles Chancy Gobles, Carlotte E. Gobles Salisbury, Meigs, OH <1873> Ohio Daughter Elizabeth Gobles Chancy Gobles, Carlotte E. Gobles Salisbury, Meigs, OH <1876> Ohio Daughter Chancy E. Gobles Chancy Gobles, Carlotte E. Gobles Salisbury, Meigs, OH <1879> Ohio SonReturn to Top
1890 Columbus, Ohio Directories, 1887-1892 NAME LOCATION OCCUPATION Gardner A Goble n s Mound e of Champion avenue conductor Gardner Goble n s Mound 4th h e Champion avenue works Gardiner A Goble 1140 E. Mound conductor John Goble rooms Yelser's livery stable hostler M A Goble 114 1/2 S. High M A G Goble; Henry W 114 1/2 S. High photographers Eva Goble 60 W. 8th avenue Gardiner A Goble 1140 E. Mound conductor James H Goble 627 1/2 N. High bodymkr Myron A Goble 114 1/2 S. High Gardner Goble 1140 E. Mound conductor James H Goble rooms 627 1/2 N. High carriagemkr Myron A Goble rooms 114 1/2 S. High Thomas J Goble G 627 1/2 N. High carpenter flat Myron A Goble; Henry Wenzel 114 1/2 S. High photographersReturn to Top
1900NAME CITY, COUNTY, STATE YOB POB RACE RELATIONSHIP Adah A Goble Latty, Paulding, Ohio 1884 Ohio White Daughter Agnes A Goble Center, Williams, Ohio 1898 Ohio White Daughter Albert C Goble Cuyahoga Falls, Summit, Ohio 1837 Ohio White Head Alfred B Goble Auglaize, Allen, Ohio 1899 Ohio White Son Algernon A Goble Richland, Allen, Ohio 1850 Alabama White Head Amor S Goble Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio 1870 Ohio White Son Andrew Goble Auglaize, Allen, Ohio 1855 Ohio White Head Anna Goble Upper, Lawrence, Ohio 1868 Virginia Black Wife Anna L Goble Cuyahoga Falls, Summit, Ohio 1892 Ohio White Daughter Annie Goble Sandusky, Sandusky, Ohio 1857 Ohio White Wife Archie H Goble Ravenna, Portage, Ohio 1870 Ohio White Head Arthur Goble Lemon, Butler, Ohio 1895 Ohio White Grandson Arthur Goble Blue Creek, Paulding, Ohio 1897 Ohio White Son Augusta Goble Monroe, Logan, Ohio 1873 Sweden White Daughter-in-law Barton O Goble Cranberry, Crawford, Ohio 1886 Ohio White Son Bernice Goble Lima, Allen, Ohio 1900 Ohio White Daughter Bertie Goble Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio 1873 Ohio White Wife Calvin Goble Lima, Allen, Ohio 1874 Ohio White Head Carel W Goble Hamilton, Butler, Ohio 1900 Ohio White Son Carl R Goble Latty, Paulding, Ohio 1895 Ohio White Son Carrie Goble Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio 1861 Ohio White Wife Carrie Goble Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio 1899 Ohio White Daughter Chancey F Goble Milan, Erie, Ohio 1831 Pennsylva White Head Charles Goble Richland, Allen, Ohio 1854 Ohio White Head Charles Goble Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio 1848 Ohio White Head Charles W Goble Rutland Township, Meigs, Ohio 1881 Ohio White Son Charlotte E Goble Rutland Township, Meigs, Ohio 1851 Ohio White Wife Charlotte E Goble Rutland Township, Meigs, Ohio 1898 Ohio White Daughter Chas W Goble Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio 1869 Indiana White Head Chauncey Goble Rutland Township, Meigs, Ohio 1845 Ohio White Head Chester W Goble Marion Township, Franklin, Ohio 1892 Ohio White Son Christann (?) Goble Richland, Allen, Ohio 1850 Ohio White Wife Clara Goble Monroe, Allen, Ohio 1892 Ohio White Daughter Clarence C Goble Latty, Paulding, Ohio 1893 Ohio White Son Clinton R Goble Cranberry, Crawford, Ohio 1882 Ohio White Son Corrine P Goble Center, Williams, Ohio 1900 Ohio White Daughter David Goble Sugar Creek, Wayne, Ohio 1833 Pennsylva White Boarder Ebenezer B Goble Richland, Allen, Ohio 1849 Ohio White Head Edward C Goble Rutland Township, Meigs, Ohio 1879 Ohio White Son Edwin W Goble Latty, Paulding, Ohio 1876 Ohio White Son Elizabeth Goble Monroe, Allen, Ohio 1883 Ohio White Daughter Elizabeth Goble Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio 1816 Ohio White Head Ella A Goble Blue Creek, Paulding, Ohio 1877 Ohio White Wife Ellen Goble Lake, Logan, Ohio 1847 Ohio White Mother-in-law Ellen Goble Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio 1861 Ohio White Wife Elmela a (?) Goble Columbus, Franklin, Ohio 1869 Ohio White Sister-in-law Elzie C Goble Center, Williams, Ohio 1896 Ohio White Daughter Emmaline Goble salisbury (?), Meigs, Ohio 1847 Ohio White Head Emmett Goble Monroe, Allen, Ohio 1888 Ohio White Son Ermie Goble salisbury (?), Meigs, Ohio 1889 Ohio White Daughter Essa Goble Monroe, Logan, Ohio 1880 Indiana White Daughter Etta A Goble Columbus, Franklin, Ohio 1860 Pennsylva White Daughter Eva Goble Columbus, Franklin, Ohio 1859 Ohio White Head Francis Goble Akron, Summit, Ohio 1858 New York White Head Frank Goble Peasant Twp, Franklin, Ohio 1875 Ohio White Servant Frank Goble Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio 1849 Canada White Head Frank W Goble Columbus, Franklin, Ohio 1895 Ohio White Grandson Fred Goble Sandusky, Sandusky, Ohio 1883 Ohio White Son Gardiner Goble Marion Twp, Franklin, Ohio 1854 New York White Head George Goble Upper, Lawrence, Ohio 1898 Ohio Black Son George Goble Burlington, Lawrence, Ohio 1900 Kentucky Black Head George A Goble Richland, Allen, Ohio 1820 Pennsylva White Head George L Goble Akron, Summit, Ohio 1868 Ohio White Head Gertrude Goble Akron, Summit, Ohio 1881 Ohio White Daughter Golden B Goble Richland, Allen, Ohio 1889 Ohio White Daughter Gustave Goble Sandusky, Sandusky, Ohio 1885 Ohio White Son Harley Goble Richland, Allen, Ohio 1884 Ohio White Son Harriet Goble Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio 1879 Ohio White Daughter-in-law Harriet E Goble Cuyahoga Falls, Summit, Ohio 1840 Ohio White Wife Harriot L Goble Latty, Paulding, Ohio 1853 Ohio White Wife Harry E Goble Columbus, Franklin, Ohio 1890 Ohio White Grandson Hattie Goble Hopewell, Perry, Ohio 1859 Ohio White Wife Helen Goble Trimble, Athens, Ohio 1897 Ohio White Daughter Ickes e (?) Goble Cranberry, Crawford, Ohio 1875 Ohio White Son Ida Goble Mulberry, Clermont, Ohio 1892 Ohio White Daughter Ida Goble Burlington, Lawrence, Ohio 1868 Ohio Black Wife Irena Goble Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio 1895 Ohio White Daughter Irma Goble Richland, Allen, Ohio 1880 Ohio White Daughter Jackson Goble salisbury Twp, Meigs, Ohio 1886 Ohio White Son James Goble Akron, Summit, Ohio 1868 Ohio White Wife James H Goble Monroe, Logan, Ohio 1869 Indiana White Son Jane Goble Richland, Allen, Ohio 1826 Ohio White Wife Jane Goble Richland, Allen, Ohio 1849 Ohio White Wife Jasper Goble Columbus, Franklin, Ohio 1900 Ohio White Boarder Jennie Goble Marion Township, Franklin, Ohio 1855 England White Wife Jessie Goble Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio 1887 Ohio White Daughter John H Goble Rutland Township, Meigs, Ohio 1887 Ohio White Son John R Goble Cranberry, Crawford, Ohio 1840 Pennsylva White Head John W Goble Miami, Logan, Ohio 1879 Ohio White Son John W Goble Latty, Paulding, Ohio 1871 Ohio White Son Joseph Goble Sandusky, Sandusky, Ohio 1887 Ohio White Son Joseph Goble Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio 1897 Ohio White Son Joseph Goble Center, Williams, Ohio 1870 Ohio White Head Josephine E Goble Milan, Erie, Ohio 1864 Ohio White Daughter Julius Goble Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio 1886 Ohio White Son June Goble Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio 1874 Pennsylva White Daughter-in-law Katie Goble Columbus, Franklin, Ohio 1862 Ohio White Daughter Kei Goble Cranberry, Crawford, Ohio 1853 Ohio White Wife Lawrence Goble Lima, Allen, Ohio 1896 Ohio White Son Lee R Goble Blue Creek, Paulding, Ohio 1874 Ohio White Head Leona Goble Akron, Summit, Ohio 1848 Ohio White Head Leonard T Goble Latty, Paulding, Ohio 1886 Ohio White Son Lester Goble Monroe, Allen, Ohio 1890 Ohio White Son Lester H Goble Cranberry, Crawford, Ohio 1890 Ohio White Son Liddie M Goble Auglaize, Allen, Ohio 1862 Ohio White Wife Lilly Goble Mulberry, Clermont, Ohio 1817 Ohio White Daughter Lizzie G Goble Trimble, Athens, Ohio 1868 Ohio White Wife Louis Goble Sandusky, Sandusky, Ohio 1857 Germany White Head Louis Goble Sandusky, Sandusky, Ohio 1881 Ohio White Son Louis J Goble Ravenna, Portage, Ohio 1872 Tennessee White Wife Louisa Goble Monroe, Allen, Ohio 1854 Ohio White Wife Lucy Goble Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio 1884 Kentucky White Servant Lydia Goble Jackson, Perry, Ohio 1815 Ohio White Mother-in-law Mable B Goble Latty, Paulding, Ohio 1881 Ohio White Daughter Male (?) Goble Monroe, Allen, Ohio 1895 Ohio White Son Marshell l (?) Goble Trimble, Athens, Ohio 1853 Ohio White Head Martha Goble Lima, Allen, Ohio 1874 Ohio White Wife Martha Goble Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio 1888 Ohio White Daughter Mary Goble Mulberry, Clermont, Ohio 1854 Ohio White Boarder Mary Goble Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio 1840 Ohio White Head Mary A Goble Cuyahoga Falls, Summit, Ohio 1868 Ohio White Patient Mary B Goble Richland, Allen, Ohio 1883 Ohio White Daughter Mary B Goble Upper, Lawrence, Ohio 1900 Ohio Black Daughter Mary E Goble Richland, Allen, Ohio 1861 Kansas White Wife Mary E Goble Miami, Logan, Ohio 1849 Ohio White Head Matilda Goble salisbury Twp, Meigs, Ohio 1867 Ohio White Wife Max Goble Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio 1861 Russia White Head May Goble Center, Williams, Ohio 1870 Ohio White Wife May E Goble Ohio, Clermont, Ohio 1856 Ohio White Head Mellisa b (?) Goble Ravenna, Portage, Ohio 1838 New York White Wife Mildred O Goble Richland, Allen, Ohio 1900 Ohio White Daughter Mildred P Goble Latty, Paulding, Ohio 1882 Ohio White Daughter Miles L Goble Latty, Paulding, Ohio 1891 Ohio White Son Myrta Goble Burlington, Lawrence, Ohio 1891 Kentucky Black Daughter Nellie Goble Richland, Allen, Ohio 1886 Ohio White Daughter Nettie Goble Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio 1895 Ohio White Daughter Nina V Goble Auglaize, Allen, Ohio 1883 Ohio White Daughter Nira Goble Richland, Allen, Ohio 1883 Ohio White Niece Nora Goble Lima, Allen, Ohio 1897 Ohio White Daughter Olivia Goble Miami, Logan, Ohio 1875 Ohio White Daughter Ollie L Goble Hamilton, Butler, Ohio 1872 Ohio White Wife Ollie M Goble Rutland Township, Meigs, Ohio 1884 Ohio White Daughter Otis Goble Richland, Allen, Ohio 1875 Ohio White Son Peter Goble Hopewell, Perry, Ohio 1857 Ohio White Head Ralph Goble Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio 1883 Ohio White Son Robert Goble Monroe, Allen, Ohio 1852 Texas White Head Roy Goble salisbury Twp, Meigs, Ohio 1900 Ohio White Son Ruth Goble Blue Creek, Paulding, Ohio 1899 Ohio White Daughter S A Goble Hopewell, Perry, Ohio 1884 Ohio White Son Samuel Goble Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio 1875 Ohio White Son Sarah Goble Monroe, Allen, Ohio 1878 Ohio White Daughter Sarah Goble Milan, Erie, Ohio 1838 Pennsylva White Wife Sarah A Goble Akron, Summit, Ohio 1853 Ohio White Wife Sarah D Goble Monroe, Logan, Ohio 1849 Indiana White Wife Sellers Goble Upper, Lawrence, Ohio 1865 Ohio Black Head Selvater (?) Goble Columbus, Franklin, Ohio 1872 Ohio White Boarder Sophia Goble Upper, Lawrence, Ohio 1844 Kentucky Black Mother Sovilla h (?) Goble Center, Williams, Ohio 1899 Ohio White Daughter Sydney Goble Turtle Creek, Warren, Ohio 1889 Ohio White Son Thaddius L Goble Latty, Paulding, Ohio 1847 Mississip White Head Thomas J Goble Monroe, Logan, Ohio 1845 Indiana White Head Thomas M Goble Ravenna, Portage, Ohio 1835 Ohio White Head Victor Goble Ravenna, Portage, Ohio 1895 Ohio White Son Warren M Goble Latty, Paulding, Ohio 1889 Ohio White Son William Goble Hamilton, Butler, Ohio 1872 Ohio White Head William Goble salisbury Twp, Meigs, Ohio 1866 Ohio White Head William D Goble Auglaize, Allen, Ohio 1885 Ohio White Son William H Goble Rutland Township, Meigs, Ohio 1891 Ohio White Son Worthie (?) Goble salisbury Twp, Meigs, Ohio 1882 Ohio White SonReturn to Top
1910 From the Ohio 1910 Census Miracode Index From the Ohio 1910 Census Miracode Index Name County Dist Color Age POB Alferd Goble Allen, Beaver Dam 0042 Nephew W 10 Ohio John Bettscher (W) Algernon Goble Allen, Bluffton 0044 Husband W 60 Alabama Wife Jane 61 Ohio Son Harley 26 Ohio Amos S Goble Hamilton, Cincinnati 0289 Husband W 40 Ohio Wife Jane K 36 Ohio Daughter Eleanor K 08 Ohio Daughter Marian E 02 Ohio Andrew Goble Scioto 0132 Husband W 23 Kentucky Wife Hessie 19 Kentucky Brother-in-law Hobert Patrick 13, Kentucky Andrew L Goble Lucas, Toledo 0133 Husband W 55 Ohio living alone Charles Goble Allen, Beaver Dam 0042 Husband W 56 Ohio Wife Mary E 49 Kansas Daughter Mildred O 10 Ohio Charles Goble Perry 0140 Grandson 15 Ohio Rebecca Goble W Charles S Goble Perry, Somerset 0141 Husband W 25 Ohio Wife Florence 29 Ohio Daughter Dorotha NR Ohio Charles W Goble Hamilton, Cincinnati 0016 Husband W 41 Indiana Wife Bertie 40 Ohio Daughter Irene 15 Ohio Chauncey Goble Meigs 0108 Boarder W 65 Ohio Filander J Hysell (W) Curtis D Goble Portage 0108 Husband W 44 Ohio Wife Anna M 41 Ohio Daniel Goble Mahoning, Youngstown 0136 Husband W 29 GER Wife Sadie 27 GER Daughter Maria 05 GER Daughter Sarah 02 Ohio Edward Goble Meigs 0108 Husband W 32 Ohio Wife Mollie J 27 Ohio Daughter Nellie M 05 Ohio Son Truman E 04 Ohio Daughter Daisy J 02 Ohio Daughter Clara H NR Ohio Sister Ella C 12 Ohio Brother William 18 Ohio Edward W Goble Paulding 0047 Husband W 34 Ohio Wife Clara M 27 Ohio Daughter Ola I 06 Ohio Son Clayton M 03 Ohio Daughter Mary L 01 Ohio Elizabeth Goble Summit, Akron 0136 Husband W 79 ENG Daughter Nellie B Baldwin 46 Ohio Son-in-law Samuel H Boyd 55 Ohio Ella C Goble Meigs 0108 Sister 12 Ohio Edward Goble (W) Erma Goble Meigs 0111 Sister 20 Ohio Jackson Goble (W) Francis M Goble Summit, Akron 0119 Housekeeper W 49 New York Truman L Firestone (W) Frank Goble Franklin, Columbus 0114 Husband W 25 Ohio Wife Mary 30 Ohio Frank P Goble Franklin 0200 Husband W 60 Ohio Wife Mary E 60 Ohio Frank S Goble Hamilton, Cincinnati 0132 Husband W 40 Indiana Wife Bernice C 24 Ohio Son David T 06 Ohio Son Louis L NR Ohio Gandart Goble Franklin, Columbus 0085 Husband W 55 New York Wife Jennie 54 ENG Son Chester 18 Ohio George G Goble Perry 0140 Husband W 42 Ohio Wife Ada B 37 Ohio Daughter Ethel 10 Ohio George W Goble Allen, Beaver Dam 0042 Husband W 91 PENN Wife Jane 83 Ohio Glenn Goble Summit, Akron 0156 Boarder W 19 Ohio James White (W) Harley Goble Auglaize, Wapakoneta 0053 RO W 35 Ohio Charls H Klein (W) Harriett E.Goble Summit, Cuyahoga 0177 W 70 Ohio living alone Hiram Goble Meigs 0108 Husband W 60 Ohio living alone J Goble Hamilton, Cincinnati 0207 LO W 25 unknown John Coleman (W) Jack Goble Franklin 0196 Boarder B 39 Virginia Charles E Hiser (W) Jackson Goble Meigs 0111 Husband W 24 Ohio Wife Mary 19 Ohio Sister Erma 20 Ohio John Goble Meigs 0111 Hired man W 22 Ohio Sanford Russell (W) Julia Goble Erie 0049 Granddaughter W 69 GER Robert B Stewart (W) Levi Goble Marion 0086 RO W 19 New York Father George Sans (W) Margaret Goble Perry 0 128 Grandmother W 80 Ohio Carl C Cooperrider (W) Marshall L Goble Athens, Glouster 0032 Husband W 57 Ohio Wife Lizzie A 40 Ohio Daughter Hellen M 13 Ohio Martha E Goble Summit, Cuyahoga 0178 Husband W 64 Ohio Daughter Mildred Dean 40 Ohio Granddaughter Ethel 15 Ohio Martha M Goble Muskingum, Zonesville 0099 Daughter 50 Missouri Frank J Terry (W) Marvin T Goble Portage, Ravenna 0109 Husband W 71 Ohio Wife Melissa B 43 New York Brother-in-law Edgar Walfrum 75 New York Mary F Goble Hamilton, Cincinnati 0289 Husband W 68 Ohio living alone Matilda Goble Allen, Beaver Dam 0042 W 57 Ohio Nephew Richard Clark 37 Ohio Michael Goble Crawford, Bucyrus 0003 Husband W 45 Germany Wife Mary 45 Germany Daughter Clara 21 Ohio Son George 18 Ohio Son Carl 16 Ohio Son William 13 Ohio Son Elward 12 Ohio Son Harry 06 Ohio Monte J Goble Hamilton, Cincinnati 0151 Husband W 36 Kentucky Wife Bessie L 27 Ohio Uncle Joshua N Hatcher 70 Ohio Z Catherine H 59 Ohio Son Monte G/lbe, Jr NR Ohio 3 non-relatives Myron A Goble Franklin, Bexley 0020 Husband W 49 Ohio Wife Cathern C 49 Ohio Odice E Goble Hancock, Findlay City 0072 Husband W 35 Ohio Wife Alverda 27 Ohio Ollie Goble Perry 0129 Servant W 26 Ohio Edward Poling (W) Peter E Goble Perry, Somerset 0141 Husband W 54 Ohio Wife Harriet 47 Ohio Peter R Goble Muskingum, Zonesville 0099 Son-in-law W 56 Ohio Frank J Terry (W) Rebecca Goble Perry 0140 W 63 Ohio Grandson Charles 15 Ohio Samuel C Goble Montgomery, Dayton 0051 Husband W 23 Indiana Wife Mable 21 Indiana Daughter Isabella NR Ohio Daughter Margaret NR Ohio Sarahann Goble Allen, Bluffton 0044 Mother-in-law W 79 Ohio Samuel L Kimmel (W) Sophia Goble Lawrence, Ironton City 0099 Mother B 58 Kentucky Caroline Russell (B) Sylvester L Goble Franklin 0026 Husband W 37 Ohio Wife Elizabeth 27 Ohio Son Walter 08 Ohio Thaddeus L Goble Paulding 0060 Husband W 62 MISS Wife Harriet E 55 Ohio Son Warren M 21 Ohio Son Clarence C 16 Ohio Son Carl R 14 Ohio Tresia Goble Hamilton, Cincinnati 0055 W 30 Ohio Brother-in-law Arthur Lucken 21, Ohio Sister Ruth 19 Ohio Wesley Goble Meigs 0108 Boarder W 25 Ohio Walter B Cooper (W) Will Goble Hamilton, Cincinnati 0210 Boarder W 38 Kentucky Mecrel J Gantner (B) William Goble Meigs 0108 Brother 18 Ohio Edward Goble (W) William J Goble Perry 0131 Husband W 32 Ohio Wife Julia A 20 Ohio Daughter Opal C 04 Ohio William W Goble Hamilton, Cincinnati 0068 Husband W 66 Indiana Wife Julia 33 Indiana 1 non-relative Worthy H Goble Meigs 0108 Husband W 27 Ohio Wife Annie E 22 Ohio Daughter Lillie B NR OhioReturn to Top
1920 NAME AGE POB ROLL PAGE ED COUNTY IMAGE TOWNSHIP Goble, Alexander 62 Mulatto Kentucky T625_1400 7A 116 Lawrence 1004 Ironton Goble, Andrew J 32 Ohio T625_1417 6A 130 Meigs 759 Rutland Goble, Bessie 64 Ohio T625_1423 4A 239 Montgomery 995 Van Buren Goble, Calum 47 Ohio T625_1345 10B 23 Allen 205 Lima Goble, Charles M 45 New York T625_1369 2B 357 Cuyahoga 531 Cleveland Goble, Charles M 74 Ohio T625_1390 2B 87 Hamilton 6 Cincinnati Goble, Charles W 50 Indiana T625_1388 12A 40 Hamilton 1139 Cincinnati Goble, Chester 29 Ohio T625_1381 2A 96 Franklin 830 Columbus Goble, Earl 30 Indiana T625_1438 10B 153 Summit 804 Akron Goble, Earnest 24 Ohio T625_1444 9A 295 Trumbull 347 Weathersfield Goble, Ebenezer B 71 Ohio T625_1344 1B 232 Allen 868 Richland Goble, Edna 17 W Virginia T625_1350 12 A 34 Belmont 164 Pultney Goble, Eleanor K 18 Ohio T625_1394 8A 410 Hamilton 846 Cincinnati Goble, Eliza 66?? Ohio T625_1344 8B 13 Allen 810 Monroe Goble, Ellen 74 Ohio T625_1442 4A 241 Summit 354 Cuyahoga Falls Goble, Emma 52 Ohio T625_1382 1A 145 Franklin 476 Columbus Goble, Fanny 69 Indiana T625_1388 12A 40 Hamilton 1139 Cincinnati Goble, Florence I 11 Ohio T625_1422 6B 179 Montgomery 614 Dayton Goble, Frank L 43 Ohio T625_1382 5 B 152 Franklin 617 Columbus Goble, Glenn H 26 Ohio T625_1442 17B 283 Summit 146 Kenmore Goble, Guy J 48 U S A T625_1383 6A 186 Franklin 76 Columbus Goble, Haddeus 72 Mississippi T625_1426 8A 87 Paulding 293 Latty Goble, Harley J 36 Ohio T625_1344 14B 6 Allen 624 Bath Goble, Harry H 42 Ohio T625_1425 5B 146 Muskingum 1141 Zanesville Goble, Hiram 36 Ohio T625_1417 6A 130 Meigs 759 Rutland Goble, James 63 Ohio T625_1376 15B 590 Cuyahoga 159 Lakewood Goble, John 33 Ohio T625_1417 3B 133 Meigs 822 Salisbury Goble, John 38 Austria T625_1380 7A 31 Franklin 436 Columbus Goble, JosephineE 54 Ohio T625_1398 3B 51 Huron 248 Norwalk Goble, Laurence 39 Poland T625_1397 10A 177 Harrison 982 Short Creek Goble, Lawerence 28 Ohio T625_1345 3A 35 Allen 444 Lima Goble, Leona V 53 Indiana T625_1395 7B 468 Hamilton 1077 Columbia Goble, Leonard 19 N Carolina T625_1373 18B 492 Cuyahoga 602 Cleveland Goble, Marshal 66 Ohio T625_1348 8B 24 Athens 171 Trimble Goble, Mary E 70 Ohio T625_1380 6A 306 Franklin 238 Washington Goble, Mary 19 Ohio T625_1345 8A 33 Allen 414 Ottowa Goble, Matilda 66 Ohio T625_1344 4A 54 Allen 865 Richland Goble, Mattie 65 Ohio T625_1425 6B 86 Muskingum 42 Brush Creek Goble, Mike 34 Austria T625_1380 7A 31 Franklin 436 Columbus Goble, Nancy 68 Ohio T625_1426 34A 63 Perry 683 Harrison Goble, Oliver P 35 Ohio T625_1404 9A 148 Licking 746 Newark Goble, Ott E 44 Ohio T625_1386 6B 56 Hancock 212 Findlay Goble, Rebecca 75 Ohio T625_1426 1B 67 Perry 556 Jackson Goble, Robert L 45 Ohio T625_1450 5B 156 Williams 165 Madison Goble, Robert 25 Ohio T625_1345 4A 25 Allen 240 Lima Goble, Rolland 36 Indiana T625_1388 4B 11 Hamilton 203 Cincinnati Goble, S L 47 Ohio T625_1403 1A 110 Knox 441 Milford Goble, Sa 36 Ohio T625_1426 6B 77 Perry 979 Reading Goble, Sarah A 89 Ohio T625_1344 7B 56 Allen 916 Richland Goble, Sargeant 51 Ohio T625_1383 6B 202 Franklin 463 Columbus Goble, Si 48 Colored N Carolina T625_1412 14A 212 Madison 46 Plain Goble, Solomon 67 Ohio T625_1448 14A 143 Wood 919 Jerry Goble, Victor 25 Ohio T625_1428 6A 112 Portage 403 Ravenna Goble, Wesley 30 Ohio T625_1417 1A 130 Meigs 749 Rutland Goble, William H 27 Ohio T625_1380 2B 29 Franklin 365 Columbus Goble, William J 42 Ohio T625_1425 8B 110 Muskingum 498 SpringfieldReturn to Top
1930 NAME AGE/YOB POB STATUS RACE CITY, COUNTY, STATE Jerry Goble 20 1909 Kentucky Brother-in-law White Homestead, Allegheny, PA Albert V Goble 37 1892 Tennessee Boarder White Oakmont, Allegheny, PA John R Goble 61 1868 Pennsylvania Head White Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA Anna Goble 50 1879 Wife Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA Ralph B Goble 52 1877 New York Head White Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA Ruby E Goble 46 1883 Wife Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA Robert Goble 29 1900 Pennsylvania Head White Altoona, Blair, PA Jane Goble 29 1900 Wife Altoona, Blair, PA Patricia Goble 2 1927 Daughter Altoona, Blair, PA William C Goble 44 1885 Pennsylvania Head White Athens, Bradford, PA Ida E Goble 53 1876 Wife Athens, Bradford, PA Wilbert Goble 19 1910 Pennsylvania Boarder White South Waverly, Bradford, PA Emma Goble 72 1857 Maryland Aunt White West Goshen, Chester, PA Bertha Goble 71 1858 Pennsylvania Mother White Clarion, Clarion, PA Laurence Goble 14 1915 Pennsylvania Son White Clarion, Clarion, PA Sara A Goble 73 1856 Pennsylvania Mother White Clarion, Clarion, PA William W Goble 39 1890 Pennsylvania Head White Clarion, Clarion, PA Ida M Goble 23 1906 Wife Clarion, Clarion, PA Bertha Goble 71 1858 Pennsylvania Head White Elk, Clarion, PA Fred S Goble 28 1901 Son Elk, Clarion, PA Clyde F Goble 43 1886 Pennsylvania Head White Elk, Clarion, PA Ida I Goble 30 1899 Wife Elk, Clarion, PA Earnest L Goble 4 1925 Son Elk, Clarion, PA Mildred J Goble 1 1928 Daughter Elk, Clarion, PA Lavena C Goble 74 1855 Pennsylvania Head White Shippenville, Clarion, PA Charles E Goble 32 1897 Pennsylvania Head White Shippenville, Clarion, PA Mable C Goble 30 1899 Wife Shippenville, Clarion, PA Phyllis L Goble 2 1927 Daughter Shippenville, Clarion, PA Charles L Goble 1 1928 Son Shippenville, Clarion, PA Nellie E Goble 64 1865 Virginia Head White Shippenville, Clarion, PA Gerald Goble 12 1917 Pennsylvania Inmate White Meadville, Crawford, PA Dorothy Goble 10 1919 Pennsylvania Inmate White Meadville, Crawford, PA Nettie Goble 60 1869 Pennsylvania Head White Meadville, Crawford, PA John Goble 68 1861 Hungary Head White Swatara, Dauphin, PA Kristina Goble 63 1866 Wife Swatara, Dauphin, PA George Goble 37 1892 Son Swatara, Dauphin, PA Margaret A Goble 35 1894 Daughter-in-law Swatara, Dauphin, PA John Goble 14 1915 Grandson Swatara, Dauphin, PA George Goble 2 1927 Grandson Swatara, Dauphin, PA Augustus Goble 54 1875 Pennsylvania Inmate White Swatara, Dauphin, PA Joe Goble 17 1912 Pennsylvania Inmate White Smithfield, Huntingdon, PA Charles A Goble 55 1874 Pennsylvania Head White Brookville, Jefferson, PA Winifred A Goble 53 1876 Wife Brookville, Jefferson, PA Nellie V Goble 19 1910 Daughter Brookville, Jefferson, PA Joe K Goble 17 1912 Son Brookville, Jefferson, PA Albert J Goble 49 1880 Pennsylvania Head White Brookville, Jefferson, PA Gladys V Goble 40 1889 Wife Brookville, Jefferson, PA Frances S Goble 19 1910 Daughter Brookville, Jefferson, PA Origene A Goble 16 1913 Daughter Brookville, Jefferson, PA Harriet S Goble 5 1924 Daughter Brookville, Jefferson, PA Albert J Goble 1 1928 Son Brookville, Jefferson, PA Vern L Goble 30 1899 Pennsylvania Head White Brookville, Jefferson, PA Rebecca O Goble 29 1900 Wife Brookville, Jefferson, PA Leon W Goble 7 1922 Son Brookville, Jefferson, PA Joan M Goble 4 1925 Daughter Brookville, Jefferson, PA James W Goble 51 1878 Pennsylvania Head White Scranton, Lackawanna, PA Ida L Goble 42 1887 Wife Scranton, Lackawanna, PA Roland Goble 21 1908 Son Scranton, Lackawanna, PA Adam E Goble 38 1891 Pennsylvania Head White Columbia, Lancaster, PA Elizabeth Goble 37 1892 Wife Columbia, Lancaster, PA Peter Goble 14 1915 Pennsylvania White Columbia, Lancaster, PA Margaret Goble 10 1919 Pennsylvania White Columbia, Lancaster, PA Edward A Goble 9 1920 Pennsylvania White Columbia, Lancaster, PA Lewis Goble 5 1924 Pennsylvania White Columbia, Lancaster, PA Richard L Goble 19 1910 Pennsylvania Lodger White Lancaster, Lancaster, PA Gladys E Goble 18 1911 Pennsylvania Lodger White Lancaster, Lancaster, PA Robert S Goble 35 1894 Ohio Head White Lancaster, Lancaster, PA Hattie B Goble 37 1892 Wife Lancaster, Lancaster, PA Virginia Dae Goble 12 1917 Daughter Lancaster, Lancaster, PA Charlotta B Goble 10 1919 Daughter Lancaster, Lancaster, PA Charles D Goble 6 1923 Son Lancaster, Lancaster, PA Lavern W Goble 32 1897 Pennsylvania Head White Lancaster, Lancaster, PA Margaret E Goble 24 1905 Wife Lancaster, Lancaster, PA Frances Goble 2 1927 Daughter Lancaster, Lancaster, PA David Goble 70 1859 Pennsylvania Head White Mount Joy, Lancaster, PA Anna W Goble 68 1861 Wife Mount Joy, Lancaster, PA Sylvanus E Goble 64 1865 Pennsylvania Head White Bethlehem, Lehigh, PA Clara A Goble 63 1866 Wife Bethlehem, Lehigh, PA Ray E Goble 32 1897 Son Bethlehem, Lehigh, PA Nelson L Goble 34 1895 Pennsylvania Head White Courtdale, Luzerne, PA Isabelle A Goble 28 1901 Wife Courtdale, Luzerne, PA Floyd W Goble 8 1921 Son Courtdale, Luzerne, PA Nelson Goble 5 1924 Son Courtdale, Luzerne, PA Carol Goble 4 1926 Daughter Courtdale, Luzerne, PA Isabelle Goble 0 1930 Daughter Courtdale, Luzerne, PA Timothy Goble 20 1909 Pennsylvania Brother-in-law White Exeter, Luzerne, PA Fred H Goble 46 1883 Pennsylvania Head White Kingston, Luzerne, PA Elizabeth H Goble 42 1887 Wife Kingston, Luzerne, PA Kathleen M Goble 7 1922 Daughter Kingston, Luzerne, PA Elizbeth Goble 2 1927 Daughter Kingston, Luzerne, PA Harry B Goble 40 1889 Pennsylvania Head White West Pittston, Luzerne, PA Ethel Goble 38 1891 Wife West Pittston, Luzerne, PA Ruth Goble 19 1910 Daughter West Pittston, Luzerne, PA Fred Goble 18 1911 Pennsylvania Grandson White Bradford, McKean, PA James Goble 15 1914 Grandson Bradford, McKean, PA George O Goble 52 1877 New Jersey Head White Easton, Northampton, PA Lillie Goble 52 1877 Wife Easton, Northampton, PA Rosie A Goble 72 1857 Pennsylvania Sister-in-law White Lehigh, Northampton, PA Alfred R Goble 64 1865 Pennsylvania Head White Shamokin, Northumberland, PA Kathryn K Goble 56 1873 Wife Shamokin, Northumberland, PA Frank Goble 38 1891 Pennsylvania Head White Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA Fenner Goble 28 1901 Wife Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA Frank L Goble 2 1927 Son Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA Harry Goble 31 1898 Pennsylvania Head White Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA Cecelia Goble 34 1895 Wife Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA Charles L Goble 60 1869 Pennsylvania Head White Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA Elizabeth Goble 59 1870 Wife Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA Florence Goble 47 1882 Pennsylvania Head White Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA Coleman Goble 22 1907 Son Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA Charles Goble 20 1909 Son Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA Florence Goble 17 1912 Daughter Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA Annastaia Goble Pennsylvania Granddaughter White Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA Margaret C Goble 72 1857Pennsylvania Servant White Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA Charles M Goble 53 1876 Pennsylvania Head White Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA Fannie A Goble 53 1876 Wife Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA Emily L Goble 59 1870 New Jersey Head White Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA Edward M Goble 77 1852 New Jersey Head White Lackawaxen, Pike, PA Miles E Goble 51 1878 Son Lackawaxen, Pike, PA Clifford Goble 26 1903 New York Head White Matamoras, Pike, PA Addaline Goble 22 1907 Wife Matamoras, Pike, PA Clifford Goble 4 1925 Son Matamoras, Pike, PA Virginia Goble 2 1927 Daughter Matamoras, Pike, PA Charolete Goble 1 1928 Daughter Matamoras, Pike, PA Rose Goble 0 1929 Daughter Matamoras, Pike, PA Robert J Goble 47 1882 Pennsylvania Head White Porter, Schuylkill, PA Lillie M Goble 38 1891 Wife Porter, Schuylkill, PA Harry B Goble 20 1909 Son Porter, Schuylkill, PA Clair A Goble 12 1917 Son Porter, Schuylkill, PA Ralph F Goble 3 1926 Son Porter, Schuylkill, PA Aaron Goble 72 1857 Pennsylvania Boarder White Paupack, Wayne, PA George A Goble 48 1881 Pennsylvania Head White Paupack, Wayne, PA Ada A Goble 50 1879 Wife Paupack, Wayne, PA Garfield Goble 23 1906 Son Paupack, Wayne, PA Virgel L Goble 8 1921 Son Paupack, Wayne, PA Madge Goble 54 1875 Pennsylvania Daughter White Jeannette, Westmoreland, PA Eva Goble 36 1893 Pennsylvania Head White Jeannette, Westmoreland, PA Roy Goble 13 1916 Son Jeannette, Westmoreland, PA Irene Goble 16 1913 Daughter Jeannette, Westmoreland, PA Herman C Goble 37 1892 Pennsylvania Head White Eaton, Wyoming, PA Pauline P Goble 36 1893 Wife Eaton, Wyoming, PA Catharine Goble 12 1917 Daughter Eaton, Wyoming, PA Richard Goble 10 1919 Son Eaton, Wyoming, PA Robert Goble 8 1921 Son Eaton, Wyoming, PA Albert Goble 6 1923 Son Eaton, Wyoming, PA Charles Goble 2 1927 Son Eaton, Wyoming, PA Jean Goble 1 1928 Daughter Eaton, Wyoming, PA James A Goble 49 1880 Pennsylvania Head White Factoryville, Wyoming, PA Lillian M Goble 47 1882 Wife Factoryville, Wyoming, PA Louise I Goble 22 1907 Son Factoryville, Wyoming, PA Joseph Goble 61 1868 Pennsylvania Head White Northmoreland, Wyoming, PA Mary E Goble 55 1874 Wife Northmoreland, Wyoming, PA Gladys H Goble 20 1909 Daughter Northmoreland, Wyoming, PA Herman C Goble 13 1916 Son Northmoreland, Wyoming, PA Howard Goble 23 1906 Pennsylvania Head White Northmoreland, Wyoming, PA Helen Goble 21 1908 Wife Northmoreland, Wyoming, PA Helene Goble 3 1926 Daughter Northmoreland, Wyoming, PA Eugene Goble 1 1929 Daughter Northmoreland, Wyoming, PA Byron Goble 55 1874 Pennsylvania Head White Northmoreland, Wyoming, PA Nellie Goble 49 1880 Wife Northmoreland, Wyoming, PA Dudley Goble 18 1911 Son Northmoreland, Wyoming, PA David Goble 13 1916 Son Northmoreland, Wyoming, PA Joseph Goble 25 1904 Pennsylvania Head White Northmoreland, Wyoming, PA Alice Goble 22 1907 Wife Northmoreland, Wyoming, PA Goerge B Goble Son Northmoreland, Wyoming, PA Katherine V Goble 54 1875 Pennsylvania Head White Tunkhannock, Wyoming, PA George W Goble 55 1874 Pennsylvania Head White Dallastown, York, PA Alvesta L Goble 25 1904 Wife Dallastown, York, PA Pius C Goble 54 1875 Pennsylvania Head White York, York, PA Emma J Goble 48 1881 Wife York, York, PA Clarence D Goble 15 1914 Son York, York, PA Ralph D Goble 13 1916 Son York, York, PA Mary A Goble 75 1854 Pennsylvania Head White York, York, PAReturn to Top