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Evelyn Goble Steen
1864 - Arizona Territory CensusSurname Given Name (s) County State Page Township or Other Info GOBLE GEORGE W Arizona County AZ 098 La Paz (age 41, single, born in NY, resident 6 months, occupation Lawyer)Return to Top
1870NONE FOUNDReturn to Top
1880NONE FOUNDReturn to Top
1890Return to Top
1900NAME CITY, COUNTY, STATE YOB POB RACE RELATIONSHIP John W Gable Prescott, Yavapai, Arizona Territory 1849 Pennsylvania White Roomer Elizabeth Gaebel Township 2, Maricopa, Arizona Territory 1862 Ohio White Wife Justus Gaebel Township 2, Maricopa, Arizona Territory 1892 Ohio White Son Justus Gaebel Township 2, Maricopa, Arizona Territory 1858 Ohio White Head William A Gaebel Township 2, Maricopa, Arizona Territory 1887 Ohio White Son Levi Goebel Big Bug, Yavapai, Arizona Territory 1872 Texas White LodgerReturn to Top
1910 Name City,County,State Age Birthplace Race Gender John Gobl 1-WD TOMBSTONE, COCHISE, Arizona 56 1853 White Male Lee S Goebel CROOK NATIONAL FOREST, GILA, Arizona 29 1880 Kentucky White Male Clarence D Goepel MORENCI, GRAHAM, Arizona 26 1883 White Male Curt W Goebel AGUA CALIENTE PCT, MARICOPA, Arizona 22 1887 New Mexico White Male Justus Goebel CREIGHTON, MARICOPA, Arizona 51 1858 Pennsylvania White Male Claud D Gobel 2-WD TUCSON, PIMA, Arizona 26 1883 Missouri White Male G P Goebel SASCO, PINAL, Arizona 41 1868 New York White Male [Groc Stenographer]GabelPRESCOTT, YAVAPAI, Arizona 20 1889 Ohio White Male Etta Gobell PRESCOTT, YAVAPAI, Arizona 33 1876 Illinois White FemaleReturn to Top
1920 NAME AGE POB ROLL RACE PAGE ED COUNTY IMAGE TOWNSHIP Gable, Charles 36 Iowa T625_48 White 13B 31 Maricopa 1026 Tempe Gable, Ethel 35 Oklahoma T625_51 White 20A 128 Yuma 934 Somerton Gable, Glen 18 Indiana T625_49 White 1B 64 Maricopa 837 Phoenix Gable, Jess L 41 Missouri T625_51 White 9A 128 Yuma 912 Gregg Gaebel, John 27 Kansas T625_52 White 11A 114 Yavapai 414 U.S. Army General Hospital Gobble, B 25 Texas T625_46 White 6A 7 Cochise 738 Robinson Gobble, Hugh T 23 Texas T625_46 White 5A 7 Cochise 736 Robinson Gobble, James W 54 Texas T625_46 White 5A 7 Cochise 736 Robinson Goble, Claud D 39 Missouri T625_50 White 1B 47 Maricopa 4 Precinct 46 Goble, Daniel O 29 Illinois T625_52 White 9A 118 Yavapai 488 Prescott Goble, Lee 39 Kentucky T625_46 White 9A 5 Cochise 690 Bisbee Goebel, Curt W 33 New Mexico T625_50 White 7A 49 Maricopa 29 Precinct 48 Goebel, Frederick W 50 Deutschland T625_49 White 2A 67 Maricopa 974 Phoenix Goebel, Robert M 34 Virginia T625_51 White 4B 129 Yuma 1063 Yuma Goebel, Scott 35 Virginia T625_51 White 6B 130 Yuma 1092 YumaReturn to Top
1930 NAME AGE POB RACE CITY,COUNTY,STATE Lee S Goble 50 1879 Kentucky Head White Bisbee, Cochise, AZ Lilly Goble 48 1881 Wife Bisbee, Cochise, AZ William B Goble 59 1870 Iowa Head White Flagstaff, Coconino, AZ Minnie Goble 57 1872 Wife Flagstaff, Coconino, AZ Daniel O Goble 38 1891 Illinois Head White Osborn, Maricopa, AZ Lettie A Goble 38 1891 Wife Osborn, Maricopa, AZReturn to Top